"I do understand that Will employs you. But it's your job to escort and protect me anywhere." I stifle a tear. "Now, I need you to do your job this instance, please."

It took him a few seconds to think about it, finally he nodded yes and escorted me outside.

"Where to?" He asks me as we got into the car.

"My sister's apartment, please."

"Yes, ma'am." He said and off we were.

I opened my phone to look at the cameras we have in our room (yes, but only the both of us can easily access them), and I could still see Will sleeping. After a few seconds of watching him sleep, I then logged off the system and deleted the app. At the rest of the ride, I found myself staring at my wonderful wallpaper of Will and I. It was the picture we love last Christmas when we were still complete.

I keep reminding myself the reason I am doing this is because I love Will. I never knew love would hurt this bad. Doing my best, I logged off the GPS on my phone as well. To hell with what's going to happen to me. I don't want Will to come after me. Just as I did, I blocked his phone number. We were only a few blocks away when George's device started ringing.

"Don't." I said.

George listened to me thankfully and ignored the call.

Upon arriving the building, I got out and George helped me with my suitcase. Just to think of it, I could go back in the car, but I couldn't. I didn't want to.

"Thank you." I bravely told George. "Thank you for your service." I gave him a smile. "I'll make sure you won't get into trouble."

George smiles back politely. "My boss could be a pain in the ass, ma'am. I've seen every woman he was with since the world started. I thought you wouldn't ask me to take you away from him."

"I thought so too." I said, fighting back tears.

"I'm always a call away if you need me or if you want to come back."

I smiled, not knowing if I'll ever take interest of his offer. "I'll keep that in mind."

"It was a pleasure, ma'am." he nodded at me, making me giggle at my tears.

"I'm still not Margaret, George." I say.

I knew he'd chuckle at least to keep his spirits up too. "Of course, Madison. Take care."

"You too." I said and he slipped into his car and went on his way back.

As for me, it was no turning back. I went inside the building and went on a devastating ride in the elevator, thinking of a way to tell Megan the everything. There was a loud ping that brought me back to reality and the doors open. With my things, I slowly walked towards the slot my sister was in. A few knocks after, Megan was wide-eyed to see me standing with a suitcase and I was thinking whether I looked as if I was hit by a truck. 

"I can't stay here for long. Will will find me eventually here." I said. I told her everything that happened, and she is close to murdering him.

"He promised me he'll take care of you." she said and disappointment was in her voice with tears as well. "That son of a bitch said he'll do anything!" she pulls me in the tightest hug ever. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that it's as if life is taking too much of you. I didn't look at it that way." 

"Don't apologize. We all have our moments." I rubbed her back but her embrace was still tight.

"It must be so hard for you. Everything's been crazy!" 

"I know, I know." tell me something I don't know.

"Will you be okay?" she pulls out with both hands on my shoulders just like how mom does it.

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