Chapter Eight: Markus

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"TAYLOR", Aimee interrupts.


"...You had an argument with Ella...and then just...just.. For how long did you cheat?"

Aimee is horrified. She stands over me, arms crossed.

"Eight days I said...eight goddamn days" , I whisper. "...Those last few days I was with her...Markus is terrifying, Aimee. I've made the biggest mistake"

But Aimee doesn't want to listen to me. She paces back and forth and bites her thumb nail.

"Why is he terrifying? Why are you afraid of him?", she asks. Her eyes are still averted. She's processing a lot right now.



I hesitate and then life up the side of my shirt. A purplish green mark blotches my side. Aimee's eyes widen. She brings a hand to her mouth and stops pacing.

"...Taylor", she breathes.

"I was trying to bring Meredith inside because it was raining and he hates her so he just..."

Aimee nods, understandingly. She brings her arms out for a hug.

"I made a mistake", I whisper into her ear.

"I know you did. You've made a huge mistake. And now you have to fix what you've done"

"I know...I know. Please...don't tell Ella about this"

"Oh, I won't. Because I know that you'll have to tell her eventually anyway. This is your battle, this is your fault". She pulls away. "And I'm not letting you back in there with him"

"But he's just gonna follow us if we leave!"

"Not if we don't let him see us or tell him where we are! Come on, you've only been gone for three minutes. We can visit Ella"

"Ella?", I ask, eyes brightening.

"Yeah, let's go!"

She takes my arm and grabs her bag. We step into the hall and rush downstairs. I'm paranoid. Afraid. Mark could be leaving my room right this minute. But we make it to Aimee's car and we start to drive away.

"Calm down, he's not here", she reassures.

"I'm trying"

My phone beeps. It's him.

Where are you?

I don't want to respond. So I don't. Maybe he'll finally break up with me if I ignore him. I've always been afraid to speak first.

We arrive at the hospital and go ask for Ella. She's been moved to a different room. It's bright and quieter. Various books and magazines are piled at a little table. Flowers sit in a vase at the window, sunlight pouring in.

"Heey, you!", Aimee smiles and hugs Ell. She's got a brace over her chest under her clothes to mend her ribs. A video game flashes on her TV screen.

"Ugh, I've been so bored!", she sighs. "There's nothing to do here. And the wifi's terrible"

Aimee giggles. "Could be worse. You could've been frickin' dead today"

"And my funeral would've been spectacular", Ella smiles.

"Morbid much?", I ask.

"Taaay!", Ella beams and reaches out for a hug. I walk up to her immediately. Her soft arms wrap around my shoulders and she smells like medicine and hospital food.

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