【 xxv ; sunday morning】

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You wake up, startled as you hear a scream echoing throughout the house. You push off the hand around your waist, being the first to act when the others have been woken up by the scream. Running up the stairs, you find Larry with wide eyes as he's pressed up against the wall with his hands up in surrender. You raise an eyebrow at him, asking, "What the hell happened?"

"I'm going to go sleep some more." He answers, not looking at you in the eye and rushing downstairs. You turn to the bathroom with pure confusion, walking towards it and knocking on the door. 

"Who's there?" You hear Gab call out.

"Hey, Gab, what happened back there?" You ask, crossing your arms with a frown. You hear the door jingle, and it opens just enough for Gab to peek out. 

"Uh, well, long story short, come here," Gab pulls you inside the bathroom and you nearly slip on the floor into the toilet. You maintain your balance, turning back to Gab to see him shirtless.

Your eyes suddenly focus on his chest, seeing him have a bra on.

Not exactly a bra but-

"Ohh.." You slowly nod, already understanding. He wears a binder. Gab smiles shyly at you, ruffling his damp hair.

"Yeah. I was planning to tell you guys around breakfast." He says, now putting on his shirt. "Please, um, refer to me as a guy still."

"Aye aye." You smile, ruffling his hair before the two of you head out of the bathroom then downstairs. You head inside the living room, finding that Sal's the only one there as he's lying down on the couch.

"What happened?" He asks, yawning as he rubs his eye under his mask. You land on the couch beside him, lazily sitting as you watch the show on the TV.

"You'll see later." You suddenly sit straight up, asking, "Here's an odd question, were you the one hugging me while we were asleep?"

"Wha-?" He stares at you, you could see him blink through the eye holes of his mask. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for his answer. He averts his eyes to the side, nodding slowly.

"Hah, you're a great cuddler, dude." You grin at him, ruffling his untied hair. He holds your hand so you would stop, but you find yourself staring at Sal as he didn't release your hand. He just.. holds it.

"Breakfast is ready!" You hear from the kitchen.

You spring up from the couch, bringing Sal with you as you literally drag him to the dining room to avoid feeling embarrassed. You look around to see sleepy faces putting eggs and pancakes on their plates, with Mina and Gab as the only other morning people. 

"Huh, mornings suck for you guys?" You ask, sitting in the empty seat beside Ash. They simultaneously nod, continuing to eat. You grab a plate for yourself, helping yourself with some pancakes and a side of eggs.

It's silent for the first half of the breakfast, the only conversations being small talk. No one didn't really want to talk in the morning.

"I'm too impatient to wait until later." Gab speaks up, whining after swallowing. He crosses his arms, saying, "But I'll make this quick, don't worry."

"What is it?" Mina asks, her mask completely off rather than it being pulled down to her chin. 

"Larry has seen," Gab points at the brunette, who only looks embarrassed as his ears visibly turn red. Gab crosses his arms once again, telling them, "I'm biologically a girl, but no one else except for you and my family knows I'm a guy."

"We still love you Gab." Ash speaks for what seems like the first time that day. 

"I give no fucks as long as you're not part of the cult." Sal says, and no one could help but laugh at his statement.

❝Ante Mortem❞ 【Sally Face】Where stories live. Discover now