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(Taylor POV)

3years later

Pepper has resumed her position as CEO of Stark Industries. I am playing the hardest role as Tony's girlfriend he's such an inconsiderate, dreamy eyed, manipulative, douchebag, that I love. I work beside Natasha as a agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. And, I have a new suit that Tony helped me design himself.

"So are we gonna go for that trip or not?" His voice came from the suit that I thought was empty, and had been standing by the wall for hours now.

"Yeah," I said racing to the garage to get my suit. My suit is silver and blue. The exact opposite of Tony's.

He zoomed past me out of the sky ramp. I didn't have any problems catching up to him. We flew to the airport where his private jet was waiting to take us to New York and watch the NewYears ball drop.

(Tony POV)

She has no idea. I slid the million dollar ring deeper into my pocket not wanting her to get a glimpse of the velvet case. I had ashes from her first suit vaporized and made into a engagement ring. As the ball drops so will the question. Am I gonna miss my freedom? Yeah. Am I making the right decision? YEAH.

We quickly arrived at our destination, and had front row seats to action. I lead her to the roof of a near by building where the ball was being dropped from. There was a pool, a fancy dinner, and a sofa set out for our enjoyment.

Midnight approached, and I could already feel my ego going away.

(Taylor POV)

"Wow, fancy dinner, and front row seats to fireworks. Are you going to push me into the pool or something? This night is to perfect." I was honestly suspicious. Usually our dates are just pizza. He just laughed, as he finished we heard the countdown.


It was interrupted by Tony.

"Listen there's something I have wanted to ask you for a long time." He turned towards me.


I gave him a confused look. Next thing I know he is on one knee.

"You have got to be kidding me." I gasped.

"Will you marry me?" He sounded dead serious. The question was a punch in the gut.


I was barely able to say my answer before a million fireworks exploded.


He had heard me clearly.

The fireworks continued to blow up, as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Happy new year." I muttered after slipping the ring on my finger.

I looked closely at it and saw that the head of my old helmet had been engraved in it. Along with our names.

"I went back to Russia and got some ashes from your old suit, pressurized it, and made into the diamond." He was looking at it admiringly which was unusual.

"You did this all for me?"

" I would do anything for you. Now how about we jump into that pool?!" I didn't have anytime to answer. He just slung me over his shoulder and ran in.

-8 Months later-

"I now pronounce you husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." The pastor said.

He flipped the veil over my head so it was out of the way, and kissed me deeply. The crowd applauded, and we ran down the aisle.

The after party was fun, I just couldn't find Tony after the last dance. We are supposed to be leaving for our honeymoon in a couple of hours and he is no where to be seen.

I walked through our house calling his name in a seductive way.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. Find Tony." I said as I walked around.

"Finding Tony. Ma'm it seems as if Tony is half way around the world." His response was shocking. Did he forget me? Just the. I got a call from Eagle Eye.

"Are you alright!?" She sounded frantic.

"Yeah I'm fine. Are you alright?!"

"It's Mrs.America I went over to her house to see if her or Thoretta had seen Hawkeye but when I got there they were both on the ground knocked out."

"Call interference." J.A.R.V.I.S. Stated.

"I'm back." The voice made me want to choke on glass Derek.

Find out what happens in the next book :3

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