Chapter 18: The Last Stand

Start from the beginning

"Does your suit have lasers?" He asked me with a hint of worry.

"No. You should, use yours to cut off it's hand." I suggested getting short of breath.

He flew towards me, but not before he got smacked by the robot's other hand and knocked into the wall.

"Transmission interference." E.V.E. Sounded calm when she spoke.

" Taylor, do you like my new model of your suit? I sure do." It was Derek speaking. I was shitting bricks.

"DEREK?!" I gasped. The robot started to loosen its grip on me, b not loose enough to wiggle out of.

"Yeah, I was the mastermind of this whole operation. Impressive huh? That guy who put in your neck yeah that was me. All I had to do was hire someone to play bad guy." He paused after that. The robot hand turned me around to face the horizon.

"What's that over there!? The sun? You know what time it is. Taylor come with me and we will live, we can start a new revoltion." He was dead serious. I didn't have any time to answer due to a loud scream of war.


He started to rip out exposed wires from the legs of the robot.

"Knock it off or I blow this place to high heaven!" Derek threatened. They didn't even flinch from the threat.

"I'm sure Mrs.America, Thoretta, eagle eye, Hawkeye and Widow will enjoy the front seat views of the fireworks, oh wait they are the firework." This stopped captain America and Thor immediately.

"Touch her, and I will rip every single muscle of your body off piece by piece!" Captain threatened. Thor just gave him a silent death stare.

"Derek, if you let them go I will stay with you." I said finally.

"Ok, I will let everyone go. Even give them a head start, it won't matter in the end anyway." Derek laughed.

"Including my friends in the bomb," I added.

"Ok whatever you want. They're just gonna die anyway."

Tony requested a face view of me I accepted and saw his face was not happy. If we talked Derek would hear it so we practically just mouthed words.

'WTF ARE YOU DOING!!!???' I could almost hear him yelling it.

'I have a plan, get everyone as far away as possible.' His face left but just long enough for me to see him mouth the words

'I love you'

The first beam of sunlight shown over the horizon as Derek finally let go of me.

"We are going to fly to the point that the bomb will not affect us, and watch the show." He sounded happy.

I could tell my friends were long gone. I just hoped that I cut the right wire. He started to fly upward, but my suit was smaller and more agile so it surpassed Him easily. I took hold of the robot head and black out the eyes. We were only 400 yards away, when he decided to hit the button.

The g-force knocked me backwards into a hurtling motion. I was out of control. The only thing on my mind was Tony.

There was a white flash as I hit the ground and all went black.


I stumbled out of the old out-dated vehicle. Not watching where I was going I slammed into a stranger knocking all of they're stuff down along with mine.

"Oh god I'm so sorry." I said rubbing my head.

"No it's fine. Are you new here?" He looked at me with warm brown eyes.

I think I'm in love.

"Yeah, actually I just moved from Maine. My name is Taylor." I was having trouble not taking my eyes off him now. He stretched out his hand and warmly said,

"My name is Tony. Tony Stark."

-flashback over-

I woke up in a S.H.I.E.L.D. Hospital. Nick, Capt, Mrs.Capt, Thor, Thoretta, And Tony were all surrounding me.

"She's awake!" Tony gasped.

"You guys can greet her later. We need to talk," Nick said wasting no time. They all left hesitantly.

"You, are crazy. First you runaway with only one person, Second you get yourself kidnapped and make friends with bad guy, Third you get blown sky high and almost die. " he sounded angry at me, but before I could defend myself he said,

"You have balls of steel, and that's what we need here at S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm gonna let you think about it." He left and opened the door to let everyone else in. The first one to approach me was Tony.

"What was going through your mind when you were lying on that ground?" He was running his fingers through my hair as he talked.

"How I should've done this sooner," I said pulling him into a long, really needed, kiss.


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