Chapter 1 - Clocks

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It's cold here. It's dark and empty.  No one around.  Everything is dark. This place is horrible. Everyone must follow the rules. If you don't... an example will be made out of you. I have learned from experience. You are nothing more then an example for everyone to see. You stay where you are for a week... a month... a year... Forever. It all depends on who you are, what you did, how many times you have done it. Yet... you stay there. For all to see. You can never return to your sleeping chamber, until your punishment is done. As for me... this is my story... This is your story. 

You open your eyes to nothing, but darkness. No one is awake yet... The lights are off.  You want to stretch. You want to run around. But you can't. Chained up in mid air. All your limbs have a strong chain around them.  You try... every night to get out, but finally you just gave up.  Dried up blood was still stuck to the cool metal that kept you in place.  You never were hungry or thirsty. This world was supposed to be a world of happiness and peace...but it never happened. Your own mother had made this world. You were only five at the time...

~Flashback to when you were five~

You watched her working. Messing with that old grand clock that was in the shop. She has always wanted to hear that old thing ring at the strike of each new hour. She never had time for you. Always working in the clock shop and trying to fix the grand old clock. You were always left alone. That was until she did what she done. She ended up creating a world of "perfectness". You watched as a bright light had emerged from the clock. You mother began to laugh in an unusual way. You felt fear to what your mother had become.

"Come here...(y/n).... Its time for a new start. Both you and your younger sister and I shall be the leaders."  Her voice was sweet and with a little creepiness. You nodded not wanting to disobey your own mother. You ran up the stairs that were in the back of the store leading up to the living part of the building. You ran into your little sister's room.

"Koda!" You looked at your little sister in her pink footy pajamas. Only two years old and she will now be handed the power to create the world. You scoop your younger sister from her crib. She looked so innocent, but she was soon going to become your worst nightmare. She was soon going to have power just like you.  You ran back downstairs to back to your mother. "Mother... I brought down Koda..." You said quietly.

"Good... bring here and write a letter to your grandfather to have him take this place and sell it." You handed your mother Koda and grabbed a sheet of paper. You began to write as fast as you can to your grandfather, explaining everything and telling him about the old grand clock. You wanted him to keep it safe and who ever owns the store next to have it. Also in the letter you wrote to him telling him that a young strong person should be the only type of person to be able to help you and your sister out of this.  You grabbed and envelope and wrote his name on the letter "To Grandfather Hideki". You set the letter on the counter, hoping he would see it. You went back over to you mother who was by the clock.

"I did as you told me, mother" You said softly, but enough for her to hear.           

            "Good.... You're being a very good girl today." She said and looked at you. Your mother takes your hand along with Koda in her other arm and walked toward the entrance that she had created.

Tonight will be the last time I see the sunset... and the last day in this world... All three of you walked in...

~Flash back over~

You open your eyes to sunlight gently touching your face. You frowned and sit up. "I need new curtains..." You mumble to yourself. You climb down off of your bunk bed, yet there was no bottom bed so you have to sleep on the top.  You walk into your bathroom and do your daily routine, shower first, then get dressed into your school uniform after brushing your hair and teeth.  You don't have any makeup to put on. Your not allowed... stupid school rules. You finish up and grab a piece of bread from inside the bread cabinet.

You don't need to pack a lunch. The school provides lunch. Considering the fact that you go to a ballet school. Total sucks.  You have the weirdest dreams at night that your this girl stared at all day locked away up in chains.  They have been happening more recently. You even have weird like visions of being this little girl by a woman with a little baby girl walking into a glowing old clock. 

You run out of your room shaking off the feeling of the dream. You run down the hall and out of the building. You head for the school just right across the dorms. Today was going to be the worst day ever. It was evaluation day and parent day. First comes evaluation in ballet, and then comes parents. You have never met any of your parents.  Will they come? Or will they just leave you there just like they have been doing all these years.  You enter the school grounds after you pasted the gate and checked in with the guard there. They really dislike if you don't sign in.

You walk to the main ballet building. That's were you have your evaluation and class. You walk into the locker room; there are a bunch of other girls changing into their dance outfits.  You wanted to laugh. The outfits always reminded you of a one-piece swimsuit.  You walk over to your locker and change into yours.

You walked into the main dance studio and took your seat next to three girls. One had like pink hair pulled into a bun all the time another had blonde curly hair... and the last one was weird... she had reddish orange hair. She looked over at you.

"Hi! My name is Duck. What's yours?" she said in a cheerful energetic voice.   

             "(Y/n)" You said in a cool soft voice. You didn't want to be too friendly or mean. 

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