the girl who listened to her head and not her heart

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Kenzie's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Johnny. About how he grabbed my hand. All I wanted to do was kiss him. When Carson and I would go out, I wouldn't be able to focus.
The Cabo trip was getting closer and closer.
I wanted to text Johnny with all my heart. But I didn't know what to say. I couldn't text just say, "Hey!".
"Kenzie you can do this! Just ask him to go to get coffee." I whisper to myself.
So, I do.

Johnny's POV

I hear a sound from my phone and I immediately grab it. It's a text from Kenzie asking to get coffee.
I'm about to text back yes but then I realize that it would look to desperate of me to immediately reply.
But, then again , it's Kenzie.
Do I send a quick "Sure."


"Hey." Kenzie smiles, looking straight into my eyes.
"Hey." I say, looking straight back.
There's a very awkward silence that goes on for what feels like an eternity.
I should say something. Anything.
"Why didn't you pick me?" I blurt out.
Not that! I'm an idiot.
Kenzie looks surprised. She doesn't answer for a while.
"I don't know." she finally sighs.
"Well, there must be a reason." I persist, genuinely intrigued.

Kenzie sighs, "You were my best friend. I guess I was listening to my head more than my heart."

Kenzie is looking down now.

I wish I could do a do-over. I shouldn't have asked.

"Are you doing anything this summer?"  Kenzie asks.
"Not really." I answer.
She lights up, "Have you ever been to Cabo?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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