Come on, come on Come on Virginia, don't let me wait
You Catholic girls start much too late
Sooner or later it comes down to fate
I might as well be the one
You know that only the good die young
Tell ya, baby

I got up and started dancing, clapping my hands above my head and swinging my hips, and eventually everyone joins in. When Puck's song was finished he looks to Kaydon like I did when Jesse challenged me with 'Ice Ice'. Kaydon does this sarcastic slow clap, "Yeah, you're still stupid."

Puck looks at me nodding and by the look in his eyes, I knew exactly what he was about to do. He pushes Kaydon back in his chair and Kaydon springs out of the chair, starting to punch Puck. Mr. Schue, Mike and Finn try to separate the boys but they weren't doing any good.

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" I bellow about the noise and they obediently separated, straightening their clothing.

I walk inbetween them, seeing that Puck's only injury was a bloody nose whereas Kaydon had a busted lip and a black eye. I slap them both upside the head but after I hit Puck once, I hit Kaydon multiple times. "Why do you have to get in fights with the people I care about. Before you say anything you deserved it, you called him stupid and you don't even know him. Seriously you're making it really hard for me to let you be in my life. You know what please just do me a favor and go back to Texas." I storm out of the room not able to handle anymore time in that room.

After the last bell of the day, Finn and I get a call from Carole. We rush into the choir room with steam coming out of our ears because we're so pissed by the news we'd received moments before. We see Kurt sitting in the front row, looking like crap with bags under his eyes, "What the hell happened?"

He simply looks up at us through his long lashes, not making an effort to move, "My dad's in the hospital."

"We know. My mom just called me," Finn sternly grunts, sitting beside him while I stand there with my arms across my chest.

I'm mad because Kurt of all people knows that Burt is everything I hoped my birth father would be, "I feel like I'm the last one to know and we're best friends."

"I'm sorry, Finn, Lia. It didn't occur to me to call you, because he's not your father," Kurt says callously, knowing that what he just said would hurt both of us, not caring because he too is scared shitless he's going to lose his dad.

I walk to the furthest seat away from him possible, clenching my jaw so tightly it hurt, "You know Kurt, I know what you're going through. You're acting as though I didn't go through that. You at least still have him."

Finn looks at me sadly, wanting to come over and comfort me but he learned earlier this summer that I need a second to cool down first, "Yeah, he's the closest I'm ever going to get, okay? I know it may not look like what everybody else has but I thought we were sort of a family. Look, I guess I just- I didn't like overhearing other people talking about it in gym class."

Mr. Schue walks in and everyone migrates to a seat, "Hey, guys. Our thoughts are all with Kurt and I know it's sort of hard to really focus on anything else."

"Mr. Schue?" Mercedes quietly calls his name.


"I've been struggling, trying to figure out what I wanted to say to Kurt all day and I realize I don't want to say it, I want to sing it. And Lia, I want you to listen too because God only knows what you're going through. This song is about being in a very dark place and turning to God. It's a spiritual song, Mr. Schue. Is that okay?"

Our teacher softly smiles, coming to sit next to me, "It's fine."

"Tina, Quinn, can you help me out, please?"

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