Chapter 8

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Amber Lynn’s Perspective

“Don’t fight with fire you’ll still end up in flames...”


 I admit I was afraid, afraid of everything but I had to be strong I had to stay strong. As I woke up everything felt different but it was a good different. It was the different that made me feel safe. I got up and I started walking towards the door all the while hoping that Derek liked me as a person at least, I just hoped he liked who I was ‘cause I know I don’t.

“Hey” I said as I saw him sitting at the kitchen counter, his hair messed up . He was wearing a black shirt and in red italics it said:”Don’t judge monsters by what they don’t show you sometimes they can be better than all the angels that claim to be true.”

“Hi.” He replied, “Did you sleep well?”

“I guess I did but I really don’t need much sleep and I like your choice of posters.” Glancing around the room, I saw that it was filled with names of bands some of which I knew some I didn’t. “And your shirt, where’d you get that quote from, I think it’s beautiful.”

Looking at his shirt, he smiled and said, “This old thing I made this up, I got this shirt printed. Most shirts nowadays seem too normal to wear and are you alright after what happened yesterday.” He put quite an emphasis on the word normal.

“That make sense though, I have this thing for monsters and the inevitable, but I do believe that monsters are just misunderstood. Monsters aren’t bad, they’re not evil, they’re just a little misunderstood. I don’t know why but monsters are real, they don’t pretend, they don’t lie, they just need to be heard but people don’t hear. People judge... people judge... people judge.” Taking in deep breaths I continued, “ ‘Cause if they could hear the monsters cries than maybe just maybe people will see them as the angels that they are.”

“That’s different, I have never found a person so fond of monsters, but I guess you’re right monsters just need to be heard, but no one’s listening hard enough to their cries.”

“You’d think that since everyone’s so different society would accept it, but it’s like the exact opposite. They want us to do what they tell us to do not what we want to do, but I guess it’s ‘cause they’re afraid. But then again fear doesn’t define us fear just helps us, helps us become stronger.” As I conclude that sentence I realized this is the first time I’ve been so open with anyone before and it has been the first time since I felt like I was being heard, normally I would keep my mouth shut. Nobody likes saying the same things twice.

“You hungry Amber?”

“Yeah I am, but just so you know I’m not a glutton.”

And with this stupid grin on his face he said, “Who called you a glutton I just asked, like can’t a friend even say something like that anymore?”

“Friend?” I asked sounding confused, “You’re calling me your friend?”

“Yeah why not.” He said, “You practically agreed to stay over so yeah I guess you could say we’re friends.”

“Sure we’re friends, and I like my coffee strong.” I said as I saw him adding two spoonfuls of sugar to my coffee.

“So is there a library around here ‘cause I need to do some research.”

“Yeah we have a library but it’ll be the shittiest one you’ve ever seen, I mean they don’t even have any good books!”

“But a library’s a library, it has words in it that transform lives. It is a magnificent palace built upon imagination, it is knowledge, it is power."

“Yes! You could say that, and you just defined what a library is, perfectly.”

“Just let me get dressed and we’ll head there immediately, Derek.”

I didn’t particularly have a spare change of clothes so I borrowed Derek’s shirt and a shorts.

As we headed towards the library, we passed by the park again. It was deserted but it had an eerie look to it. Like, no one wanted to be there, like it was something forbidden.

“Derek what’s up with this park, the swings look dead, the trees dying, and the slide it’s rusting.”I said as I noticed my surroundings more clearly.

He suddenly became more uptight as I asked him that question and retorted “You don’t want to know, Amber you just don’t”

“Why don’t I want to know?”

“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. A few years back this kid let’s say his name’s Andrew, he was shot at point blank here. There were kids here at that time and one fire fighter Howard. He saw the murderer and he was pissed off.” Derek glanced around almost as if he expected to see this young chap. “Well anyway he tried to run after the murderer but in the midst of all the confusion the gunman shot him too. The spectators ran away nobody called the cops or the ambulance. He could have been saved. But they were afraid to do the right thing they were afraid. But he wasn’t, he was a good man a good man I tell you.” Almost as if he’d known the person for years I saw a tear form in his eye.

“Let’s head on over to the library.”He said after sometime.

And I followed in silence.


Well that’s the end of the chapter hope you guys liked it :D :D, I didn’t proof read this so I’ll need comments down below. Also, if you could give your views on this chapter it would help me greatly. And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!!!! 

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