53. My friends are so depressed

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- Yeah, I ran away.

She answered and wiped a tear that ran down her cheek away.

- Why are you crying? Tell me what happened.

- One girl called me a piece of shit and pushed me against the lockers. My arm hurts like hell. I couldn't stand it any longer.

She said and began to sob. I wrapped my arm around her skinny body and she leaned her head on my chest.

- I wish I could beat those bitches who do it to you. Show me your arm.

I told her. She rolled up the left sleeve of her black jumper and I saw a big bruise on her arm.

- I hope it's just a bruise. Does it hurt when I'm touching?

I asked.

- Just a little bit. Thank you for caring.

- Oh, don't thank me. You're an awesome girl and I'm really glad you came here. Hey, I nearly forgot, I have something for you.

I said and went to my bedroom.

- I hope this is gonna cheer you up. There you go.

I said and handed the record to her. Her eyes started to shine.

- Oh my gosh, thank you! You're awesome, Josh!

- I'm glad you like it.

- I love it! My dad was a huge fan of Led Zeppelin. Things like these remind me how cool he was.

- Was? Where is he now?

I asked.

- He's dead. He died of cancer when I was 10. He showed me all of this great music I'm listening to today. He was the best dad ever.

She said and smiled through tears.

- I lost my mom to cancer when I was 18.

I told her.

- Oh, one more thing that we have in common.

Maggie said and grabbed my hand. I looked her in the eyes. They were so deep and shiny.

- You've got beautiful eyes.

I said.

- I'd never imagine someone could say this to me.

- Don't think too much about it. Just accept the fact that you're beautiful.

She gulped and took her hand away.

- I should be going.

Maggie said as she stood up.

- Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't want to intimidate you. I know you're still young. But I want you to know that you're not just a teenage girl to me. You're a beautiful young woman. Don't be afraid to see her in yourself.

She turned around and faced me.

- Whoa, you're saying the nicest things I've ever heard. Why are you so nice to me? Why did you give me this present? Do you want something from me?

Maggie asked.

- No. I'm not trying to hit on you or anything. I'm working in a music store where we also sell records, so when I saw that one, I thought that you'd like it. It's not a big deal. And I can really relate to what you're going through. I didn't have anyone who would listen to me, give me advice or comfort me. All I'm saying is true. I just wanna be your friend. Of course I'll understand if you don't want to...

The lost son ~John Frusciante and Josh Klinghofferحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن