Chapter 1

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Bumblebee was patrolling the part of Cybertron that he is on. Boy how he missed his team, but they all separated after the war. After Optimus joined with the core of Cybertron. After he joined with the AllSpark.

Bumblebee was just finishing up his last round when he saw a mech, alone in an alley. The mech had a beautiful red colour but was scarred, battered and almost destroyed.

Bumblebee transformed and ran to the mech's side, quickly seeing that the young mech had trouble staying awake. But he cannot fall asleep, because if he does, he might never wake again.

"Can you hear me?!" Bumblebee asked urgently. The younger mech's optics, however, are flickering.

Bumblebee needed to get the mech to a medic, now! So he quickly picked him up and ran to the hospital.

Hours later, Bumblebee was waiting next to the berth that the mech was placed on and waiting for him to wake.

The mech woke around five minutes later and saw Bumblebee. He got afraid and started to back away. "Hey hey hey! It's okay. It's okay." Bee comforted the mech who was breathing very deeply, in fear that Bumblebee would harm him.

"What's your name?" Bee asked and the mech looked ashamed. "You don't know or, you don't have a name?" Bee asked again and the mech tucked himself under the covers a little.

Bumblebee took awhile observing the mech and then stated. "You look like you've been sideswiped." Bumblebee then smiled and said. "Sideswipe, that's what I'm gonna call you from now on." The mech, now named Sideswipe, pushes the covers away and looked at the older mech and smiled a little.

How Bee Raised SideswipeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon