Chapter one

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So yeah, I finally got around to writing the first chapter

Also I'm going to do the same thing I did with one of my other books which is, I'm going to make each chapter slightly longer than the previous chapter, like a slow build-up

So yeah



Chapter one

"Fuck off" Simon growled out as he pushed Bodil away, making the older laugh a bit.

"Come on Simon" Bodil whined out before moving close and wrapping his arms over Simon's shoulders, pulling him close. "It'll be more fun if you come with me" he added with a grin.

Slightly puffing out his cheeks, Simon quickly tried to push Bodil away, "Bodil, you know how bad I suck at these mini games" he groans out causing the older to simply laugh and pulled Simon closer, "Cheer up Simon, we'll be partners for this" Bodil quickly reassured him with a grin making Simon roll his eyes before slightly pushing his face away.

"Fine, I'll fucking join you Bodil" Simon finally said with a groan. Bodil suddenly cheered and tightly hugged the younger, whom started to complain and tried to escape, "Let me go!"


"I think I change my mind Bodil" Simon mutters as he looked around while tightly gripping Bodil's arm. He could recognize some people and knew that they're extremely good at pvp and since the game that he's joining involves fighting, Simon knew that he would be instantly out.

The older laughs a bit at Simon's nervousness and started tugging him towards the entrance to the mini-game. "Oh hush, I promise that we'll make it far and I'll protect you" Bodil promised him, causing the younger to lightly blush before looking away, hoping to hide it. "W-Whatever" he groan out as he let himself be pulled.

Once they're in the building, Bodil quickly ran to one of the glass pods. "Wait do we have to sign in or something?" Simon asked, slightly confused as he was trying to catch up to Bodil's speed. "Nope, there's sensors in the pods that instantly resistor our names in the system" Bodil explained before stopping, "But we need to be in separate pods so..." he trailed off as he suddenly pushed Simon into the glass pod before closing. "You bitch!" Simon cried out in surprise before turning around to glare at Bodil, whom simply waved at him with a grin before running towards the other glass pod.

"One more player before the game starts"

Simon suddenly heard a female voice above him before frowning a bit and soon leaned back against the glass. 'I wonder how this will go' he thought as he started tapping his fingers on his arms as a nervous habit.

"Full lobby, now starting in ten seconds"

He soon heard the voice said before jumping a bit when the glass was suddenly covered by something metal and a second later, the ground started to light up.


He felt his heart beating faster in nervousness before swallowing a bit, 'Fucking man up Simon' he told himself.


His vision suddenly darkens, making him panic a bit before getting a feeling of falling for a few seconds before his feet landed and his vision suddenly brightens causing him to groan out and started rubbing his eyes.

"Fuck" he groan out as he removed his hands, quickly blinking to get used to the suddenly brightness and when it did, he saw that he was standing in a middle of the flower plain.

"May the games begin"

"Bodil?" Simon called out before hearing rustling sounds behind him, but when he turned around to face Bodil, he was shocked and surprised to find out that it wasn't his friend.

It was another male that looked a few inches taller than himself and it showed that he was a slime hybrid due to his green skin along with his light grey eyes surrounded by dark green color.

Two men stared at each other for a few seconds before Simon awkwardly broke the silence.



Lets the games begin

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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