"Very well, thank you." And Jennie doesn't know where to go. She isn't sure if she should sit or stand or run. Jisoo pats the stool next to her.

"Sit, have a bagel. My Mom's out at brunch with some of the girls so she won't be back for awhile." Jisoo says and Jennie nods. She moves to sit next to Jisoo. There's a whole selection of bagels in front of her and she chooses a blueberry one. It's already sliced in half but still cold. Jisoo glances down at it. "Do you want it toasted?" She asks and Jennie feels like she should say no - she can eat it the way it is, but instead she nods. "Toasters over there. I'll do it." Jisoo says and she takes the bagel from between Jennie's fingers and she walks to the other side of the kitchen. They're silent for a few moments. "I don't mean to pry but....where are you going to go? My Mom and I....we noticed the suitcase." Jisoo says and Jennie looks down at her hands. She honestly doesn't know.

"I'm not sure." She replies. She hears Jisoo sigh.

"What about your parents?" Jisoo asks and Jennie feels the lump in her throat and the knot in her stomach again. She wills herself not to cry and this time, she manages to force the tears back. But she figures there's no harm in being honest. She'll be out of Jisoo's hair soon enough.

"They kicked me out." She mutters and Jisoo gasps in surprise. The words hang in the air between them for a moment and then Jisoo sharply inhales.

"That's why the suitcase...oh god, is that all the stuff you have?" Jisoo questions. Jennie nods.

"It's what I could pack in the twenty minute time frame they gave me to get my things." Jennie comments and she tries to sound like talking about it doesn't feel like a knife slash to the chest but she's not sure she's succeeding.

"Why would they do that?" Jisoo asks and Jennie's not sure she really wants an answer but she's on a roll with oversharing now so she figures she might as well keep going.

"I told them I'm a lesbian. They're incredibly homophobic so they spit in my face, told me that I'm no daughter of theirs, and kicked me out." She says flatly and she hears a loud bang. She looks up. Jisoo has her hands slammed down on the counter and her face is flushing red. Jennie notices that her bagel has popped from the toaster but it would probably be bad form to point that out now.

"You're going to stay here." Jisoo says and Jennie's eyes widen. Oh no. She couldn't. She already felt out of place enough staying one night. Staying any longer than that....well. She isn't sure she could handle it.

"No, I couldn't." Jennie stutters and Jisoo shakes her head.

"I'll have to talk to my Mom but she wouldn't kick you out to the curb - not knowing that you don't have anywhere else to go. You can stay until you find somewhere, alright?" Jisoo says and Jennie really has a feeling that she won't take no for an answer and Jennie can't find it in herself to protest so all she does is nod. "Good." Jisoo says and Jennie gestures behind her with her head.

"My bagel's finished."


Jennie sits on the stairs, her suitcase next to her, while she listens to Jisoo argue with her Mother.

Jennie realizes that it had been naive of her to hope that Dara's kindness would extend past the night. But she'd let herself get her hopes up.

And really, Jennie ought to stop believing that the best really could happen for her. Life isn't that kind. Especially not to someone like her.

She hugs her knees to her chest and mentally runs through the list of everybody that she knows. An admittedly self-imposed, very short list. It's right now that she wishes she'd been friendlier to...well, everyone. The only person she can think of is her Uncle but he's all the way up in Washington and she can't afford a bus ticket to him. Plus, she hasn't seen him in years. She doubts he'd enjoy seeing his estranged niece on his front porch after years of no contact.

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