She's biting down on her bottom lip, trying to keep the tears at bay, when a big, black car stops in front of her. A girl climbs out of the drivers side and she moves to stand in front of Jennie. She's brunette and pretty but not somebody that Jennie recognizes. She looks concerned and she says, "You've been sitting here since I left for rehearsal. Are you okay?" And Jennie wants to say yes because she doesn't need the pity of some rich girl who lives behind the gate but the tears that come spilling out of her eyes make it impossible to do so. So she just shakes her head. The girl's eyes widen and she crouches down. She puts a hand on Jennie's leg. "Do you have anywhere to go or someone I can call to come pick you up?" She asks with genuine concern and that just makes Jennie cry harder. She hates showing weakness like this but honestly - she feels broken. Crying is the only thing that she can do. She shakes her head again in response to the girls question. She sighs and Jennie thinks she's going to get up and walk away, pretend she never even saw her. "Hold on. Stay here, okay? I'll be back." She says and Jennie wants to say that really, there's nowhere else that she can go but she can't get the words out. The girl walks back to the car and pulls her cell phone out of her pocket. She speaks on the phone with somebody for a few moments and then she hangs up and walks back toward Jennie. "I'm Jisoo." She says, reaching her hand down. Jennie stares at it for a moment, sniffling. Then she reaches up and grabs it. She swears she feels a jolt of electricity run through her arm.

"I'm Jennie." She mutters in response and Jisoo smiles.

"It's nice to meet you, Jennie." She says and Jennie gives her a weak smile in return. "This might be weird, considering we just met but I called my Mom and she gave the okay, so would you maybe want to stay the night at my house? It's going to rain and we have the extra space so it wouldn't be any trouble." Jisoo rambles and Jennie feels an actual, genuine smile stretching across her face.

"How can you be certain I'm not a thief or a murderer trying to gain entrance into your gated community?" Jennie asks and wow, is she looking to sabotage this on purpose? Luckily, Jisoo laughs.

"I think if you were a thief or a murderer, you would have found prey much sooner." She says and Jennie does agree with that. So she nods.

"Thank you, Jisoo." Jennie says, trying the name out on her tongue. "I would appreciate that very much." Jennie finishes and Jisoo gives her a bright smile.

"Great! Come on, you can have shotgun." She replies with a smile and she moves back to the car. Jennie grips the top of her suitcase and she stands, pulling the door to the passenger seat open.

When she settles in, it occurs to her that this car is probably nicer than any room in her house. Hell, this fucking car probably costs more than her whole house.

Her old house.

Jennie wills herself not to cry again because she can't imagine trying to pay off any damages to this car. Jennie stares out the window and she ignores the clench of her heart when they pass Joohyun's house. It's actually a pool house - behind the larger home because Joohyun's Mother works for the family and they had the free space so they let them live there.

They continue to drive all the way up the hill and it hits Jennie, as they pass house after house, that Jisoo lives in the house at the top of the hill. The biggest house in the community and the one Jennie and Joohyun used to fantasize about living in. They used to spend hours imagining the kind of people who lived in the grandest house that either of them have ever seen.

Now Jennie knows. And she has to say, Jisoo isn't anything like she'd imagined.

They pull into the driveway and Jennie has to stop her jaw from physically dropping. Jisoo looks over to her, with a smile, and says, "Let's go. My Mom's waiting." So Jennie follows her out of the car and she keeps her arms close to her just so she doesn't break anything she can't afford to replace.

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