I see Bethany open the door in the back. Mommy starts walking closer to Bethany's car. 

Bethany takes out my car seat. "Oh thank god, I needed a car seat for her, I don't like having Y/n in the front. And I only have her in the front cause I don't want her to take off her seatbelt and start moving around in the back," Mommy says.

"I'll help you put it in," Bethany says. "Thank you," Mommy says. "No problem."

After Bethany puts in my car seat she says bye and leaves.

"Alright baby, time to go to the daycare," Mommy says. "But I no want to go," I say. "We have to, I have to work," she says. "Otay," I say quietly. "It will be quick, I promise," Mommy says then kisses my cheek.

She puts me in my car seat and straps me in. She closes the door and goes to the drivers side. She gets in the car putting the backpack on the passenger seat. She starts the car and starts driving.


After, I don't know how long, I no know time, we are here at the Daycare. "Alright we're here," Mommy says turning off the car. "Awww," I whine. "We won't be here long," she says grabbing the backpack and getting out of the car. She comes to my door and opens it. She unbuckles me and takes me out of my car seat and sets me on her hip. I'm still holding onto Mr. Fox.

Mommy walks into the Daycare and goes to the big table that you see when you walk in. "Hi Janet," Mommy says to the lady that I remember seeing yesterday. "Hi Lauren, Oh, you still have Y/n?" She asks. "Actually, I just found out something yesterday," Mommy says. "What is it?" Ms. Janet asks. "I found out Y/n is my actual daughter, the one that I told you that I had to put up for adoption," Mommy says. "What! That's actually her?" Ms. Janet yells a little. "Yeah, me and the person that adopted her went to the court to make me Y/n's guardian permanently," Mommy says. "Wow, now saying that she's yours, she looks a lot like you, like with the green eyes and the nose, and I'm guessing she has the same color hair as yours," Ms. Janet says. "Yeah, I could see it too," Mommy says turning to me. I turn and look back at her. I smile and she smiles back showing her teeth. "Alright I better clock in," Mommy says. "Alright, see you later Lauren," Ms. Janet says. Mommy starts walking to where all the kids are. "Alright, you stay right here while I go do something quick," Mommy says sitting me down on a chair at the same table from yesterday. "Otay," I say. I look around the Daycare and just see a lot of kids playing and running.

"Okay I'm back baby," I hear Mommy say. Woah, Mommy's fast. I turn around to her and see her looking around. She looks at me and smiles. "Hi," she says. "Hi mommy," I say smiling.

"Hey Lauren," I hear a man say. I see Mommy roll her eyes. "What do you want Brad?" Mommy says, but not in a nice way. I turn around and see a man, who looks like he has no upper lip. "What, can I not just come over here and say hi?" Bread said. Is that how you say his name? I no know.

"No, you can't," Mommy says. "Why not?" Bread asks. "Because I do know what you want and what your going to ask, and the answers is still no," Mommy says. "Oh come on, I know you want to go out with me," Bread says. "No, I don't, not even if we were the last two people on earth," Mommy says. "Now leave me alone while I have some time with my daughter," she says. "Daughter? You have a daughter?" Bread man asks. "Yes, she's right here, her name is Y/n" Mommy says pointing at me. "Since when did you have a daughter?" Bread says. "Since I was 18, but I had to put her up for adoption since I was going to college, but now I have her back, now can you please leave," Mommy says sounding mad. "Okay fine, but I know you do want to go out with me," Bread says and leaves. Mommy turns to me and her face becomes soft when she sees me. She smiles and gets up. She picks me up setting me on her hip as always. "Want to go outside to the playground?" Mommy asks. I nod my head really fast. "Okay," Mommy says giggling.

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now