Hear Me

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Do you hear that sound?

It's not the wind

It's not the creak of the floor boards, or the shades on the window swaying in the breeze

Nor is it the moving branches of the trees

It's not the lone wolfs howel

It's my silent plea

Tell me, can you hear me?

Even when you're nowhere near me?

I'm sending signals, I know I am

With my stance

My emotions

They're clouding all around me

Like the tension you feel when you walk in a room, my words are there

Waiting to be heard

Waiting to be seen

For someone to listen

But instead of an ear I get the hand

No one wants to understand

They'd rather overlook me



No one really listens

I'm mute on speaker, and loud in silence

Yet, I'm never heard

I'm deaf on doubt, and high on reason

But I'll never be heard

Never truly heard

I'll always be silent to those who matter, and nothing to those who don't care

I can't change that, and I'm tired of trying

Either you hear me or you don't there's no inbetween anymore

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