Ch. 1

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Abc=Charaters thoughts

Abc=Doomslayers thoughts (Cus he don't fuckin talk!)

Abc=Talkie talk

"You've won, its over. You've closed teh portal and stopped athe invasion,but it cam at a cost; Argent, Vega, this entire operation. You see;I've watched your work and camt to understand your motivation. Youthink the only way is to kill them all, and leave nothing behind"Said Samuel Hayden to the doom slayer

"Pretty much"hethought to himself

"Butwe can't just shut it all down! Without Argent energy; it will beworse" he continued his rant

"worse? And Hell on earth isn't worse"he thought

"But with this, we can continue our work. I'm not the villain in this story. I do what I do because I must. I don't expect you to agree. I can't kill you, but I will not have you in the way of progress. Till we meet again, Doomslayer" The doctor said. He pressed buttons on the consul in front of him. The screen flashed: TRANSPORTATION IN PROCESS...

"That can't be good"He thought and then blacked out

somehours later

"Doomslayer!wake up!"A somewhat robotic voice said to him.

"V.E.G.A?"he asked to the A.I.

"Yes.I was able to download myself into your suit before you destroyed me.94% of my capability is offline so I can remain inside your head.Although I can still assist you on your missions"Vega said to him

"Where are we?"he asks Vega

"Somewhere that Dr. Hayden thought would be a good place where you couldn'tcause him trouble"Vega answers

"Any ideas on how to get out of here?"He ask his AI companion.

"Yes actually. I could use the argent energy inside your suit to teleport us to a different location. But it will be a random one."He warns the doomsalyer.

"Will the demons of Hell follow us?"He asks

"They shouldn't, no. Shall I?"Vega asks Doomsalyer

"Anywhere seems better than here"

"Agreed.Starting transportation..."Vega says. There is a small hum but it gets louder and louder. Then Doomsalyer sees blinding whiteness. Then black. For a second, hethinks that he is dead but then he hears Vega

"Wehave arrived at: Earth, the year is 2083"Vega says

"Earth!?It's been a long time"Doomslayer says

"Yes indeed. Prepare for crash landing"the AI says. The doomslayer crashes on a farm; the farmer is scared at first then approaches to see what has crashed in his yard.Doomslayer stands up from the burning pit and walks towards the farmer, he stands at 7 or 8 feet all. the farmer jumps back away fromthe doomslayer. He waves at the farmer. The farmer relaxes a littlebit before Vega speak

"Hello.I am Vega" he says, the farmer becomes scared once again

"Ah!an omnic!" He screams and cowers in fear

"We do not know what this 'omnic' is" Vega says to the farmer

"We?"the farmer asks

"Yes.The man underneath the suit. I am Vega, the AI inside of the suit"Vega explains to the farmer and he clams down again.

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