chapter 1 💋: Cake Catastrophe

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"Charlotte !" My best friend, Tina Jones, ran up to me.

"Good weekend ?" I ask, she nods before responding.

"But, guess what ?"

"What ?"

She squeals "Your the last Virgin !"

I gape at her "Amelia lost her virginity ?" Now with Amelia no longer a Virgin, I'm the last one.

She nods "She lost it to Callum! Can you believe it ?" 

"Wait, does that mean-?" She nods, letting out another squeal.

"Your the tie breaker !"


"Come on, we're late to form !" She says, dragging me down the corridor.

As we open the door, all eyes are on us, including Alex, Callum and Taylor.

"Why are you late girls ?" Our Form teacher, miss Jenkings, asks.

"I had some very important news to tell Charlotte !" Tina answers for me, I mentally face palm.

"Would you like to share that very important news with the class ?" She retorted, people snicker as I pale.

"I think the class already knows." I mutter, getting a glare from miss Jenkings. Me and Tina go to our seats, unfortunately mine has Callum behind me, Alex to my left and Taylor to my right. I groan as they grin.

I sit down in my seat as miss starts the register. "Charlotte," I turn around to look at Callum.

"What ?"I ask calmly.

"You, me and the cinema. Tonight at 7." He practically demands, I shake my head and turn around.

"Charlotte." I look to my left, at Alex.

"Yes ?" I ask.

"You, me and my room, tonight. What do ya' say?" I shake my head and turn back to my position.

"Charlotte." I look to my right at Taylor.

"That's me." I turn back.


"What ??!!" I scream.

"I take it your here then." Miss Jenkings says, I blush bright red as the class burst out laughing, all except for Alex, Taylor and Callum, who smirk.

"Psst." The boys say at once, I simply ignore them.

"Psst." They try again.

"Psst." I don't look at them.

"Psst." I'm on my last nerve.

"Fuck off." I tell them as the bell goes. Standing up, I leg it out of the room.

3 long, tiresome hours later I'm at lunch. It was peaceful, we're all laughing along with each other, until..

"I've lost my virginity, could I have yours ?" I look behind me, raising a brow at Alex's horrid pick up line.

"I'm surprised you ever had it." I turn back around to look at my now quiet friends, though they looked like they would laugh at any second.

When he doesn't move I look at him again "get lost." I state bluntly. By now we have caused quite the scene, and by 'we have' I mean he has.

"If I go, will you come with me ?" I almost barf and shake my head.

"No." I tell him.

"Ditto then."


"Kitten." I wince.

"Don't call me that."

"Why ?"

I raise a brow again "because I'm not."

"You always will be in my eyes,"

"Then your blind." I cut him off.

"Anyone who can't see your beauty is blind." He gives me a charming smile.

"Don't make me cringe."


"Bye guys." I stalk off to my locker, now I've got English and I didn't even finish my lunch.

One hour, fifty minutes later and I'm in food tech. I've currently just made a large zebra cake and I don't intend to drop it. "Boo !" Taylor says from behind me.

"God, Taylor! You almost made me drop my-"

"Skirt ?" He cuts me off in a hopeful, teasing voice.

I eye roll and shake my head "-cake." I finish my sentence.

"Well, you know you can always drop your skirt for me." He winks and I do a fake gag.

"Anything you wanted ?" I ask, taking the subject off my skirt.

"Besides your Virginity ?" There he goes again.

"Yes, besides my virginity." I reply.

"A date."

I decide to play dumb "It's Monday-"

"I meant a date to go to the cinema or something !" He cuts me off.

"How unique," My voice oozes sarcasm.

"Is that a yes, Angel?" He grins.


"Friday" He cuts me off.

"-pigs fly." I finish.


I leave the room, a strut to my step. I'm about to bend down to my locker, when..

"OMG YOU IDIOT !!" I screech at Callum, who was currently spinning me in the air.

He puts me down "What ?" He replies cautiously.

"YOU," I point at him "MADE ME DROP MY ZEBRA CAKE !"

He turns pale. Good, he knows not to mess with a girls zebra cake. "I'm so sorry-" He looks at the mess on the floor "we'll make a new one. It'll be better than that, I promise."

And that's how, now an hour later, I'm in Callum's kitchen and we're baking a cake.

I grin to myself as I grab a handful of chocolate and...pour it on his silky hair.

"Oh no, you didn't." He sassed, making a Z with his fingers.

"Oh ye, I did." I repeat the action.

He grins evilly as he walks towards the fridge, taking out a whip cream tube, he does it in a curly motion over my hair. I gape as he takes out his phone and snaps a picture.

PING I look down, 'Callum Curkum' tagged you in a post.' My insta told me, I tap on the picture, like it and growl at him.

I take a picture of him as well, a split second before he tried to run away. I grin to myself and post my first post. I tag him, captioning it as 'baking with this idiot.'

"Noo !!" I hear, a second after posted. At least he had the decency to like it and comment 'you love me really 😘😍'  I scoff.

"Oh god" I mumble and like his comment. I was about to respond when I felt a cold substance trickle down my back. Turning around, I see Callum hiding behind his phone. I sarcastically grin at the phone "mum get the camera." I quote, before pouncing. Thinking about it though, I could have come up with something better.

"You idiot !" I chase him around the house, leaving a trail of honey where ever we went.

He randomly comes to a holt, turning around he shouts "THE CAKE !"

"SHIT !!" I screech as we leg it into the kitchen...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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