Chapter 23 - (Special)

Start from the beginning


Still no sign of backup anywhere. Kagura turned on her intercom once more.

"Sir what's going on it's been 17 minutes and there's no one."
"Well, defender everyone else is on the opposite side of the city receiving medals of valour for stopping another villain attack..." he trailed off.
Kai heard this and yelled, "Are you serious!?"
"I'm not joking Forger. The mayor is there and everything."
"Sir we're going in," Kai announced angrily.

"Are you insane?!" The man on the intercom was clearly startled.

He argued back, "We can't keep waiting there are 13 minutes left until they kill one of the hostages and we don't even know how many are in there."
"You have a point..."

Kagura intervened, "Sir I have the Forger here with me we can take them on."
"Defender that's not a good idea and you know it."
"I understand better than anyone." She started calmly, "But we have no choice." She got louder and angrier with each word, "I became a hero to save lives, not wait for backup to arrive or someone to get hurt and then go in."

"Fine," the man on the intercom gave in, "but be careful. Go in stealthily and don't get spotted."
"Understood." The woman turned back to her partner and waved.

"We're going in now."
"Oh, so now who's impatient."
"Not now Kai."
"Sorry sorry I love you pleasedon'tkillme."


The two had taken out several villains and were making their way to the hostages. Kai had scared the living daylights out of one of their lookouts and had gotten him to tell them the location that they were hiding the hostages in.

"Ok so they're in this room but we need to get to them without being caught," Kai muttered.

The two paced back and forth thinking of ways to get the hostages out without being spotted, "You could get into your stealth armour and sneak in." Kai suggested.
"That's not a bad idea but I'd need the door to be open to slip in."
"I could make a distraction."
"Like this."

Kai created a handgun and fired a couple of shots into the ground.

"Are you insane!? The responder told us to stay low!!" She scolded her husband.
"Shut up and equip your stealth armour I'll be fine."

Kagura did as told and just like Kai predicted a thug opened the door to check out the commotion. He stepped out into the hall while Kagura slipped in behind him. Kai was hiding in a recycling bin. Inside the room, Kagura had already taken out the other villains. The lookout went back inside the room to be greeted with Kagura's fist in his face.

"That's my wife!"
"Now's not the time Kai."
"Am I not allowed to praise my badass wife?"
"Stop it we're saving lives here."
"Okok pleasedontstabme."
"Now let's untie these people."


They had untied the hostages and were now working on a way to get them all out of the building alive.

"Defender, Forger, are you there?" the voice came from Kagura's wrist where her intercom was strapped.
She responded, "Yes we are sir."
"They just announced they'd be killing the first hostage."
"The hostages are safe sir."
"That's what I'm worried about."
Kagura looked at Kai worriedly, "Why?"
"It's the CEO. They have him in a separate room. Along with other high ranking employees. I'm afraid you and Forger are going to have to split up for this mission."
Her eyes widened, "What about backup?"
"They're not done until another ten minutes Defender. You're going to have to do this without them. Now go find the other hostages and fast!"
"On it sir!"

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