Chapter 14: Kakorrhaphiophobia

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Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.
~Bellatrix can't take the idea of failure for her lord, she will go to any lengths to make sure that it doesn't come to that, and sending love notes for Harry as the best way to distract the boy.

-Rating: Teens and Up
-Relationship: Lord Voldemort/Harry Potter
-Warning/Tags: Sexual Content Mentioned, Love Letters, Bellatrix Lestrange, Crack Fic


Her clothing was still stained in blood, her hair still knotted and her mind wandering while she sat at her window watching the sunrise. She trusted her Lord in every imaginable way, but the battle they had just fought was not what was planned. The potter boy was in their grasp, even Dumbledore was there, as well as the whole of his order. The only significant life that was taken was Sirius Black, and that had been her victory. It made her look at the death eaters differently.

No, she was loyal to her Lord, always would be, but she couldn't blind herself into thinking that maybe this loss had been the start of many. With the many people she has seen survive beyond all odds, potter was one of them. The boy wouldn't be taken easily, but she needed to help her Lord find the way to do so. A jolt of pain brought her to realize that her wand which she had been twisting in her hair was caught. Yanking her wand violently to fix the problem, her fingers slipped, throwing her arm harshly. She felt something slam against her hand. An owl, her hand had knocked an owl passing her window out of the air. The bird righted itself, still stumbling all the stories below, before clutching the letter and attempting to fly. Bellatrix followed the birds attempts closely as a plot began to form.

Her idea was brilliant, her Lord would reward her greatly when it was completed, and she would have fun all along!


"It's perfect!"

Bellatrix started spinning around the room with the letter clutched in her arms. After seeing the owl she decided that the best way to distract Harry would be to start a line of communication between him and her Lord. At least, that would distract her, she thought. The letter was ready to go, she just needed to send it. Looking down she smiled at the forged handwriting and perfectly copied signature.

'Dear Harry James Potter,
Currently known as The-Boy-Who-Lived, or The Chosen One.

I write this letter to you in hopes to discuss our most recent meeting at the Ministry of Magic. I hear of the loss of your Godfather, Sirius Black. I must have you know that was never part of my plans. I would not so easily allow a Noble Lord and last of his family line die.-' Bellatrix was annoyed she had to apologize for taking that dogs life, even through the 'mouth' of her Lord, but she knew the boy cared for him and was the best way to shake him up. 'I am not simply writing to apologize for that one travesty, I have been causing you pain all your life. But my hope is that together, you and I will find a way to set our past aside and come to a mutual understanding of what we hope to gain from winning this war. If you agree to speak with me though these letters, I will wish to compromise and maybe find a way to rule peacefully.

Sincerely, The Dark Lord Voldemort,
Formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle
Currently known as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named or You-Know-Who.'

Throwing back her head in a hysterics as she went over it. She found such fun in writing it she ran over and wrote out another, this one in the messy handwriting of a teenage boy. She didn't intend to send this one out, it was for the purpose of a joke, but she still thought it amusing.

'Hey Voldy!

This is your one and only teenage nemesis. You have recently destroyed my happiness, you shit head. I had finally found my godfather and you tore it away from me. I'm not sure if it was your plan or not, but for some reason you have a thing for murdering members of my family. So if you would like why don't I hit you up with the address of the home I am staying at now and you will be able to take them out as well. Hell, I have a pet owl that I find myself rather attached to, maybe you would even like to take my bed away, seeing as it has comforted me as well. So I'll just write out list of all the fucking things I love, maybe write a will or two and send it over. I hope you have your dick chopped off you musty old dung bomb.

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