2| Disgrace.

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Toni Topaz.

"What?!" My mom almost screams at me. Maybe I shouldn't have told her about the insufficient painting the star. Turns out it was in the back wall of the butchers.

"Yeah. She uh, ran off before we could really see her. All I know is that she had beautiful red hair and clear white skin." I smiled. My moms face fell. "Beautiful?! Do you think chaos and disorder is beautiful?! Do you want to live like that?! God, I should've known, you were so close with your aunt. We're getting you cured as soon as possible." My mother yelled. My aunt. I guess I was close with her, she did wake me up the night she died—telling me she loved me. It always made me feel sick to my stomach, hearing that. I always thought it was meant to be malicious. But now—although thinking about her suicide or the night it happened still made me sick—Her last words didn't make me so sick anymore. It kind of made me happy.

"Mom! I'm not even eighteen! I have to be eighteen. I don like her! She's a stranger! I'm just saying her hair was Silky! Goals if you will!" I try and catch myself. I can't be infected.

"Don't try and cover it up! Your not leaving the house until your evaluations or cure procedure! Go to your room." She huffs angrily.


"Go!" She yells. "O-Okay." I squeak, running up he stairs. Fuck me.

"Toni?" Aubrey comes into my room shortly after I sit on my bed. "What?" I snap.

"Uhm... why was mom yelling at you?" She asks. Of course she wants to know.

"I'm not sure okay? Leave me alone please." I huff. "Okay." She grumbles, storming out of the room. She slams it behind her. Whatever.

I don't know why but I want to find that redhead again. I'm not infected, and I don't love her. Maybe I just wanna yell at her for getting me in trouble. That's it.

I remember the insufficients do this every year, vandalize and just cause some commotion near evaluations. They always have a certain route they tag buildings. This year the butchers shop is first, last year the dentist across the street was first. It didn't really make sense how she did it in broad daylight. But then again it was after I ate dinner. She probably expected it to be dark. She'll probably be at the next place way later.

If I can just find it where she'll be next. Better start now.


I think i fell asleep creating a map of where she would be. Good thing I woke up by myself instead of mom coming in. I hear footsteps out in the hall and I push everything under my bed, pretending to be asleep just before the door opens.

"Toni." My dad knocks on the door. Oh thank god. He's always nicer and just generally calmer than my mom.

"Come in." I mutter, sitting up and making sure my tank-top covered my chest.

"Hey." He opened the door, coming in with some tea, probably chai.

"Sorry your mom yelled at you so much. But you gotta understand that can raise some flags." He shrugged. "I know." I mutter.

"Want some tea? It's peppermint." He smiles. "Thank you." I take it. I really don't know what he's coming in here for. My mother never budges on her punishment.

"Yeah, Uhm, me and your mom are going somewhere today, Aubrey is at a friends. Can we trust you to stay in the house? We probably won't be back until noon tomorrow." He explains. Oh.

"Yeah." I lie. I'm definitely not going to stay in the house for more than an hour.

"Okay, I trust you." He says unsurely, ruffling my hair. I smile at him.

My parents are gone now, and I've been working on my map for a while. I think she'll be at the convenience store next. I know she'll be wearing the same attire hopefully.

It's now 4:30. It gets dark at 6 and it takes half an hour to get to the store. I have an hour to spare. I should probably eat, and make my map small enough to take with me.

The phone rings, making me jump. I find it, answering on the third ring.


"Toni? Where's mom and dad?"

Right, Aubrey. I can't be gone when she gets home.

"They went out."

"Oh. Can you ask them if I can stay at Emily's another night? Pleeeeaaassseeee." Perfect.

I text my dad, because I have a feeling my mom is still mad at me.

Dad: yeah sure.

Great. Now I don't have to worry about getting caught. "Yeah dad says you can." I tell Aubrey over the phone. "Thanks!" She hangs up quickly.


"Hey!" I yell. Just as I expected the girl was at he conscience store, spray painting a green star on the wall facing the alley. Her head whips around to me, and those gorgeous hazel eyes make me freeze in my tracks. Fuck I am infected.

"Uhm." She starts to run. "No! Stop!" I call, running after her. She stops and I almost crash into her.

"What?" She asks nervously. "What's your name?" I blurt. I haven't thought this far, I wasn't actually expecting to catch her. "Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom." She smiles. Fuck why is her smile so charming.

"Cheryl..Blossom." The name clicks in my head. She's the daughter of Clifford Blossom, who alongside Hiram Lodge developed the cure and evaluations and such. Legend has it she went mad, killed her twin and ran off to be one of the first insufficients.

"The one and only. What do you need sweetheart? Looking to join the revolution?" She smirks. Why is she so charming.

"Uhm.. no! No, you're insane." I finally find my common sense. "You really wanna know whose insane?" Her face falls, and she suddenly looks serious and a little villainous.

"My parents, and the Lodges. They aren't 'cured' do you think someone that greedy and corrupted would be cured? They prey and people's vulnerability to make money." She snaps. "I'm not insane, I'm trying to stop them. I just don't know how yet." She finishes. "I could use some help. So the least you can do is not report me." She sighs. Damn okay.

Like and comment I guess lol.

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