The School of All Who Hate Me

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As I get ready in the morning I wonder what kind of torment they have prepared for me today. Yesterday it was "Hey let's lock Killer," They call me that because of a story I wouldn't tell anyone who didn't know it already. "in a giant block of ice" day and the day before that was "Lets take away all her oxygen so she can't breathe" Tuesday. I get tired to a point where I end up hitting a punching bag in my dad's garage. Yes I know it's weird but I can't help it, it keeps me calm. I currently have 14 places where I have had to put duct tape on. I also have 11 places that need stitching up because they are so beyond help that even duct tape can't fix it. It isn't the conventional style of coping but hey whatever works right? I finish getting ready by slapping on a pair of red Jordans and head down stairs for some cereal before I go to school. It was my favorite kind- Captain Crunch. My little kid brother Luke was also at the table. He is 13 years old, has no power yet, blonde hair, and perfect skin. HE was absolutely precious. For siblings we got along great. After I finish my breakfast and Luke finishes his, we grab our stuff and head out the door. Outside, looking above everything, even the bus stop, I notice that the weather matches my mood; it's cold, cloudy, and humid. The sky looks it might flood the ground any minute.

~few minutes later~

As I step onto the bus and walk to my seat I get tripped by who other than the biggest itch with a b in front in school: Rachyl Griffith, the only one in our county that can time travel. Her hair was a bright green that matches her eyes. She had on a skimpy top with booty shorts and high knee boots. She did not look look good at all. Still I felt bad about my own appearance with my dark purple hair that had lavender highlights, bright gray eyes, beanie, jacket, Jordan's, and flower rompers. At least Luke was having a good time with his friend Jack in the back of the big yellow prison bus.

~ In the middle of math class (second period)~

I tap my dark blue ink pen on the side of my desk. It has a steady beat and adds a little noise to the complete silence. The room was dull, boring and full of mathematic symbols. Each and every student was focused on their assignment, trying not to be noticed when they let loose a distressed sigh of exasperation. The teacher, Miss Sweet, was at her desk, copying down all the F's she is giving us in her grade book. She had curly blonde hair that was always pulled tightly back into a bun. She had a large red and blue flower broach that she wore everyday along with a gray tweed pencil skirt and matching blazer with a white collared shirt underneath. She reminded me of a vulture stalking its prey. She stood up and looked around the room at the students in her class. Each of us were bent over the 45 quadratic equations that she gave us to do in only 30 minutes. She was horrid. She walked out from her nest and started sulking down the isles. When she got to the desk in front of mine, she peered at the clock. It was 27 seconds until free period starts. She turned around and looked right at me with her creepy, half blue half red eyes. It created a dizzying look that made me want to puke. I ran out the door as the bell rang at high speed.

~ Free period

As we were walking out the door into the main hall during free period, I was pushed from behind onto my stomach. I looked up to see Rachyl and her gang standing over me. Her gang was ruthless and so scared of her that they would do absolutely anything for her. Of course she mistook it for loyalty. That in itself was scary enough but most of them had to be related to ogres. They were big headed and muscular and couldn't read very well. They did have speed though so their eyes were all dark gray. She made a gesture to me that was very un-ladylike and rasied up her shoe. Its heel dug hard into my side.

"Awe look little Killer is in her spot. Right under my shoe where she belongs." Her gang tried to hold down a rough chuckle.

I was so furious then that I grabbed her foot and yanked her down to my level. Her eyes filled with fury but somewhere deep inside, I could see a small sliver of fear. It felt good. She shouted some loud sailor words at me and motioned for her minions to help her up. My head flew up at them and I gave them what I hoped was a death stare to end them all. I grinned a wide, coldstone killer smile. I was so tired of her picking on me and everyone else. I gripped her tiny, fatless leg so tight that a big dark bruise started to form where my hand was. It was ice cold and had blue around the fringes. When I had just got on my feet, she yanked me back down so hard and so fast that my head hit the lockers. I could see black spots at the edges of my vision but that didn't stop me. I was infuriated. I loathed that evil witch. My mind filled with the best pictures of revenge that any sane human being could come up with. I was starting to scare myself when I finally heard the sounds. The sounds of the crowd we had drawn gasping and backing away from Rachyl. She had her hands in fists by her side, her legs up around her head. She was crying and wailing for the pain to go away, the images. I had thought the same things that she was crying about.

She was screaming and crying and clutching her head so hard that blood was beginning to trickle out of her ears and nose. Even once I had put my hands over my own ears because of the screams. They were heart-piercing. I couldn't help but enjoy even a little of them.

I broke my stare and ran down the hall thinking, " I really couldn't have actually put those images in her mind could I? I mean that isn't even possible. I'm not evil enough for that. I'm not am I?"

My head was pulsing, throbbing, beating out of my skull. It felt as though someone had taken an ax to my head and sliced my head to slivers. I could feel the cold sweat on my hands as though I was holding water. I pulled open the swinging bathroom door and ran to the sink. I turned on the water not even waiting for it to turn warm before I stuck my head under the faucet. It didn't help at all. As I looked up at the mirror watching the running of cold water down my face, I saw my left iris beginning to swirl. It swirled and swirled all the gray color draining away leaving behind swirls of color that were a mesmerizing shade of lavender. It continued this for what seemed like forever. The end result was an almost luminous pastel purple iris with little specks of silver in them. Those didn't stay long though. They were just temporary.

I ran out of the bathroom with sunglasses that I had dug out of my backpack on. I went straight to the principals office to see if she could tell me what was happening.

As I explained my story her eyes widened to an almost supernatural size.

"Lilith what you are is rare, I'm talking about 1 in 1,000,000 here. What you are is a Dreamwalker or at least that is what we call it. No one can truly explain what happens to the people who have the power, but they know it isn't good. You have the power to insert images into a persons mind when you are awake or asleep. As true dreaming comes as you sleep, your ability will be much stronger; it will also not cause you pain." I thought this through. It seemed reasonable to assume that she really didn't know much.

When I took the time to actually look out the window, I could see that it was literally snowing in July.

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