It was you all along?

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The Spellman family was sitting in the kitchen when the entrance door to their home fell shut with a rather loud bang and the crisp sound of heels echoed through the rooms of the cozy family home. None of them had to look up to know who had come through the door. The presence was almost suffocating at times and who else should visit them on a Sunday?

The mortuary was closed during most weekends and Sabrina's friends had stopped coming after she had left Baxter High, only a faint memory in their heads. Now there was only one thing left that connected the blonde witch to the mortal school she had loved and lost.

Lilith turned the corner and strode towards them, a smile playing on her face. She had become a known guest in the Spellman house ever since Zelda had taken their business into bed with her. Their serious effort at keeping this relationship hidden and her family in the unknown were left unrewarded as Sabrina was the first to walk in on them kissing in the hallway when she was supposed to be at the Academy of Unseen Arts for the rest of the week.

"Hello Lilith," Sabrina said and dug into a piece of the freshly baked piece of chocolate cake her aunt had just cut up. It was the family's most liked cake and Hilda outdid herself every time she pushed the cake into the pre-heated oven. It had been the most popular cake at every school event when Sabrina was still attending the Baxter High and Hilda had been praised for her special baking skills by the staff and teachers every single time, reveling in the praise she never received from her sister.

"Hello Sabrina," the brunette said and Zelda didn't even look up from her newspaper, ignoring the presence of whatever Lilith was to her. They hadn't exactly talked about where they were standing and Lilith sensed that Zelda didn't want to talk about it, so it was the question that was burning on everybody's tongue but no one dared to ask.

"I see someone is grumpy today," she said and sat down next to the sulking ginger. Zelda ignore the comment much to everybody's surprise, rolling her eyes hidden behind the thin sheet of paper.

They still hadn't gotten used to Lilith's forwardness towards their aunt Zelda. The brunette was bold and didn't care about the ginger's temper or harshness. She was a worthy opponent, Hilda had said more than just once when the two of them had been the topic of family discussions, of course only when Zelda was out of ear shot.

If anybody else had dared to say that to Zelda, they would have gotten a witty remark or possibly lost their heads in Hilda's case. The impulsive witch didn't refrain from murder when it came to her sister and Hilda had no desire to be buried in the Cain pit again, so she kept her mouth shut.

"Here, have yourself a piece of cake. I just baked it today," Hilda said and placed the small plate in front of the demon, wiping her hands off on her apron. Flour was smeared across her face, clear evidence of her occupation.

Even though Lilith persisted on not having to eat anything besides male flesh, the British woman insisted on getting some food into her and Lilith had grown to appreciate her baking and never said no to a delicious piece of freshly baked cake.

She took the fork into her hand and was about to lift it to her lips when Zelda finally decided to acknowledge her presence. "I wouldn't eat that if I was you."

"Afraid it will turn me nice?"

The family's laughter stopped as soon as Zelda's icy glare met them and Hilda turned around, keeping the bright smile on her face, in order to not anger her sister any further. It was only Lilith who could get away with making fun of her.

"I wouldn't be surprised. My sister is known for poisoning her cakes," Zelda stated and returned her attention to her newspaper, refusing to entertain this conversation any further.

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