Headcannon #1

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Headcannon #1-

Annabeth remembered the time when she had a major presentation at school, and her own father hadn't even bothered to come. Instead, Chiron took time away from Camp Half-blood to attend her presentation, telling all the teachers that he was Annabeth's grandfather. During the presentation, some parents clapped, looking bored, for their children-but Chiron had a genuine smile on his face, and Annabeth remembered trying not to cry as she thought of the fact that Chiron could have been back at camp, running free with the satyrs, but instead he was at a nine year old's school assembly; just to remind her that no matter what, he'd always be there for her.


Sooo.... That's the first Headcannon.

Disclaimer: I didn't make this one up I got it off Facebook and I really wish I knew who made it up so I could give then credit but I really don't know.

Anyways I hope you liked it. I I've you guys.

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