Messy hair

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Before I could even sit up, Hershey jumps on my stomach then off again like I'm some sort of trampoline.

"Your energetic this morning." I say with a grunt. I turn my alarm off and yawn while blinking the sleep out of my eyes. I slowly drag myself out of bed and start towards the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I look like crap. I lean closer to inspect the rather large bags under my eyes. I grab my tooth brush and, well you know, brush my teeth. When I'm done I head back to my room and get dressed. Tight dark pants with a blue hoodie.

I head down stairs, not caring what my hair looks like. I'm to tired to care. I don't feel like making breakfast either. Guess I'll skip. I grab my book bag and head for the door. Before I can step out Hershey jumps out in front. "I have to go...I'll be back later, promise."

Eventually he moves and I head out the door. Turning around to lock the door I realize I forgot my keys. I'm so tied. I walk back in, grab my keys, and go. I put earbuds in and start walking.

It's cool this morning. I start humming to the song and readjust the straps of my book bag. Pulling me back to reality is a tap to my shoulder.

I turn, pulling one earbud out. I frown. It's Sangwoo. "What do you want?" I ask in an annoyed tone. " know your hairs a mess right?" I stare dumbfounded. He comes up to me and the first thing he says is your hairs a mess. "Yes, I'm aware." I say looking up at him. Wow, compared to him, I'm so tiny. I probably look like a fifth grader next to him.

He reaches over and puts his hand on my head. We stand there for a few seconds. "Are you trying to make fun of my hight or something." He jumps and pulls back his hand. "N-no! No. I was just going to fix your hair." He says putting his hand on my head again but this time messing with my hair.

He finishes fixing it while pushing my bangs out of my eyes. He stands back again. "That looks worse than before." He says out loud. Did he mean to say it out loud? I don't know. Is it making my day worse? Yes, yes it is.

"Wow. Thanks for the help...really." I say very sarcastically while looking up at his face. I shake my head like a dog and try to undo what he did to my hair. I hope it looks a little better now. I turn start walking again leaving Sangwoo behind. "Hey wait!" Or so I thought.

I turn around again. "What?" I snap out. If I'm late because of him I swear. I may be tiny but I can cause some damage if I really tried. "Let's walk to school together!" He says with a smile on his face that makes me want to barf. "Why?" I sigh out. "Why not?" He asks back.

"Well if you walk to school with me, your group of morons will come running over to make fun of me again." I say trying to walk faster, which isn't really working because of my short legs. He goes silent after that comment. He can't deny it. That's exactly what would happen and he knows it.

He mumbles something under his breath that I couldn't make out. Then another wave of awkward silence comes as we continue to walk. I slow my pace and let him pass me so his friends don't see me with him. It doesn't seem like he realizes it till after I'm a good distance away and start walking again. The look on his face while he looked back was like I just kicked a puppy and he watch me do the whole thing. He turns back and continues walking to the school.

I put my earbuds back in. As I make it to the school ground, I see Sangwoo's group of idiots run up to him. See? If I were there I would most definitely been made fun of.

I walk past them, giving Sangwoo a 'told you so' look with a frown on my face. His face stay blank and looks away. Told you. Now that he's with his friends he can't even look at me.

I continue to walk to the entrance of the school. You would think that the classes are bad to sit through but getting there is worse. Being as small as I am makes it complicated getting to class while giants walk past you. Even most of the girls are taller than me. Sometimes I really wish I was taller but then I remember I can get a discount at  some places because they think I'm a kid.

I finally get to first period which is math. I sit in a seat in the back and get my stuff ready for the period. I glance at the clock. I got here early. Maybe I should skip breakfast more often.

I lay my head on my arms. I'll just rest for a little.

Time skip~

I feel someone hit my desk. Now most people would bolt up right and me wide awake in my position but I'm not like most people. "Huh...what?" I say glancing up at my teacher. I squint my eyes as the lights blind me.

"What do you mean 'what'? You were sleeping." My teacher Ms. Hendrickson says with an annoyed face. I hear some kids giggle in the background. "Good for you for noticing." I must be really tired to have said that to a teacher. I hear her gasp and some more laughter.

"Get out of my class room." She says with a grin on her face like she won this argument. Jokes on her, I'm going to sit out there and sleep some more. I sluggishly grab all my stuff and walk out the door. I slump down in the desk that sits in the hallway next to the door. 

I rest my head in my arms again. Maybe I should skip today. I don't think I can't continue like this. After a few minutes of being in the hallway I soon realize it's freezing out here. It was so warm in the class room so why is it so cold. I feel my skin prick up with goosebumps. I pull on of my arms around my middle to keep my self sort of warm while the other continues to be my pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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