Later that day

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Later that day excuse me are you Stacey Grove yea why Courtney told us to ask you if your sister Amanda grove was ever abused her boyfriend hit her once but that's the only time I saw him hit her I don't know what he did to her when I wasn't their. Could we get the boyfriends name. his name is Matthew Breeden.

At Matthew Breedens house.

Matthew Breeden you are under arrest for abuse Matthew: I never abused nobody that's not what Amanda's sister said. Matthew that liar set me up I wouldn't hit Amanda.

At the station

So what do we have on this guy assault of a police officer and abuse of animals and his last 2 girlfriends. he's a grade A perp can we put him at the crime scene no but we did find the sisters prints on the victims bed bring the sister in for interrogation find any thing you can about her background that is suspicious. Ok.

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