After school

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Hi my name is Yoonbum. Im 17 years old and living by myself. And I have an ok life so your probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. Three girls looking down on me as I'm sitting on the ground. Now your probably also wondering 'What's so bad about this situation?' Well you see, I didn't willingly sit on the ground. Yep the three girls pushed me. Why? Who knows.

I glance back up at them. I guess they read my face of confusion and begin to talk. "This is our spot." I can help the small smile that comes on to my face. I'm leaning on a wall behind the school. This is what there mad about. Girls are weird.

"What are you smiling at?!" One of them shouts. I quickly drop the smile and stand up. Brushing my butt off because the day before it rained and now it's all wet. I look at them and they look at me. I sigh and start to walk back to the front of the school while pull on my pants. Their all wet now and are sticking to my butt.

I start in the direction of my house. Not a lot of people come down this street, there just isn't a lot of kids from school who live down this street and I love it. It's quite and peaceful to walk home after a long day of learning stuff I will never need in real life.

I hear yelling and laughing from behind me. I groan. There are a few kids who live on this street and one of them is named Sangwoo. He's the same age as me but a lot different. He... how would you say it...Mr. Popular. So he has his very loud and obnoxious gang following behind him. And you know what's worse is that he's my neighbor.

He throws party's at least three days a week and I get to see, hear, and smell all of it. There's lights that could give someone a stroke and loud music and it wouldn't be a party without alcohol. I don't know a lot about him because we don't talk a lot but his friends do pick on me. He himself doesn't. He just stands there and stares at me while the say cruel things to and about me. But when they aren't around he does try to talk to me.

Now our houses at right next to each other with the walls touching. We both have a small balcony on the second floor and I go out to read or do laundry just to get somewhat out of the house. He will come out of his house with his arms hanging over the railing while he leans on it and try to make small talk like 'Hi, how are you?' or 'Nice day isn't it?' I usually ignore him. His friends make fun of me, he doesn't do anything to stop it and expects us to be best friends? I'll just walk back inside with whatever I'm doing and continue from there. I do look out sometimes and see him sort of sad looking after I leave but I don't care. His friends make life harder than it needs to be.

I start to walk fast because I'm not in the mood to deal with there comments about how my pants are all wet.

I gingerly walk up to my home and stick the key in and turn. I walk in and feel the cool air of the air conditioning. I sigh in content as I take off my heavy book bag. I toe off my shoes and head upstairs to get shorts on. I come back down and head to the kitchen.

I take out some cheese and crackers and start to make small, little, bite size sandwich sort of things. I turn to see my cat, Hershey, staring at my food.

Yeah you know when I said I live alone well I do live with a cat. He was a stray that would keep coming to my house so eventually I took him in. He's all black and very energetic. He's still a kitten so he still attacks random stuff and knocks stuff over but he's adorable.

I slide a piece of cheese over to him and he happily takes it. He runs off with cheese hanging out of his mouth while dropping it on the way off the counter.

I smile and finish the food. I walk into the small living room and sit crisscross on the couch. I pull a blanket on while trying not to spill my food on myself and turn on the tv.

Time skipped~

I wake up to loud music. I must have fallen asleep. I groan and rub my head. I look through a window and see the sun setting, painting the sky pink and purple with a bit of gold. They started partying early today. Usually they start when it's fully dark. I run my hand through my messy dark hair and turn off the tv.

I push the fluffy blue blanket off and pick up the empty plate from earlier. I take it to the sink and rinse it off.

I walk over to the sliding glass door and pull it open. I jump at how the music suddenly gets louder as I move the door. I peak my head out and look over to see two people making out on his balcony while someone is passed out on the ground in his front yard.

Well so much for sleep. I head back inside and close the door behind me. I go up stairs as Hershey follows behind.

I walk into my room and pull off my shirt and throw it in to my hamper along with my pants from earlier that I left in the floor. I put on a baggy shirt and turn of the light. I flop on to my bed and pull up the covers. I see Hershey jump in the bed and curl up next to me.

I turn over trying to ignore the pounding music next door.

YoonbumxSangwooWhere stories live. Discover now