(All X Moody!Teen!Reader) Shoplifting

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(Patton needed the attention- Also, art is from Instagram and it's not mine-)

This is the sixth time and hopefully the last. Yeah, for sure, because that's what I said last time. I groped around for a that was behind me, pretending to check around myself aimlessly.
Got it.
Before leaving, I took what I had touched; a razor.
"Have a good night." The cashier called to me while I left with a small nod.
I didn't look back. My anxiety was screaming over me, stabbing knots directly into my stomach.
With a small purr, the engine kicked. My hands were shaking and my knees were trembling to the point where I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to drive properly. Screaming in the darkness, seeking my attention, the razor placed inside of my cupholder merely belted out give me attention! You stole me!
That's the last thing I want, though--to be called a thief. The first time I checked the reviews on a prison I didn't exactly like the idea of being held there, and I don't think anything has changed from then.
My stomach groaned.
"Hiding my qualms won't be easy," as I rolled down the window I sighed.

"She must keep in mind that maturity is--" Logan started, before being interrupted by Roman.
"Yeah, yeah, squadless geek," he humphed. They didn't seem to notice that they were having the argument right in front of me. I was sitting there on the couch, slightly amused. "We can't listen to you all the time. Sometimes we need to take a break and look at the positive sides; me and Patton!"
I chuckled.
Logan snorted. "I'm positive that you're acting ridiculous."
"Shut it, propellerhead!" Roman bitterly waved his arms around.
"Okay, you two are having another disagreement!" Thomas stopped both of them, his tired eyes layered with annoyance that he tried so hard to hide. "I'm trying to sleep."
"Oh, sorry, Tom. Logan was just . . . causing issues again."
Instead of retorting with something else, Logan sank into the floor while rubbing his temples. I assumed that he would have sounded very snarky if he hadn't kept his mouth shut.
I stood up briskly. This wasn't happening today, no. I'll protect Logic this time. "Um, no. I was out when I was supposed to be home, Logan didn't like that. It's my fault," I shifted my weight, fumbling with my hoodie sleeves. "It's my fault."
"Dear, don't take the blame for--" Roman started.
"No, it's okay. We're all uneasy when you leave, N/N." Thomas flashed a fatigued smile at you.
(N/N means "nickname.")
Usually, I couldn't help but smile back at my loveable friends, Thomas. For now, I responded with  a distressed sigh, holding back the small smile I wanted so dearly to give him. After twisting into a mere sad smile, Thomas trotted back upstairs to his room while I followed.
My room was next door anyways, walls a deep purple with posters that every Side had gave to me covering one wall. Every other wall was empty besides the purple hue covering them completely. Drawings that I drew from over my years staying here with Thomas were scattered all over one wall.
Temptation of using my AirPods (I'm sorry, I had to.) that Roman gave to me as a present to blast my overwhelming tunes washed over me. Letting my mind wander was the best part of the day, nodding off in the process. The tremendous weight of the ocean was lifted off my shoulders.
My eyes opened, low whispers rolled off everyone around me. All stood tall, wearing only blackness, surrounding something I yearned to protect. Without a care, I shoved past the crowd so that I could stand, defend and protect.
That was my main objective; protect Thomas and his Sides.
Stares of daggers, eyes plunged through me, searching for my soul. Everyone in black hissed in defeat, disappearing in the black background. I turned to confront the Sides and question them, "are you okay . . . ?"
Different colours bursted at me, beaming lights shone from their eyes. Logan's eyes had a flash of midnight blue, Patton's were turquoise, Virgil had dark violet eyes, Thomas' eyes were a light colour of bisque. The last two to open their eyes were Deceit and Roman. I watched, intrigued. Deceit's eyes glimmered a beautiful gold and Roman's eyes snapped open, revealing crimson light.
Fear crushed me, and I woke up gasping.
Although I couldn't hear his footsteps, Anxiety whipped my door open, a worried look written all over his face. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He requested.
Before answering, I had to analyze his eyes. They were merely a coal black, frozen with concern. Reassuring myself, I sighed. "I'm fine."
"Y/N . . ."
"I'm fine." I insisted
"Y/N . . ."
"I said I'm--!"
"Y/N, you're crying." He whispered softly.
Messily, I turned away, knowing tears were covering me.
Virgil took a silent breath. "Don't worry, I'll--"
"I don't need your help, Anxiety!" I bursted out, choking on sobs. I bolted out of my door, hearing everybody's frantic footsteps racing after me. While I ran outside to my car, I snatched my keys and slammed the door shut, locking it.
Simply to catch my attention without startling me, Thomas knocked on the glass window. "Y/N, let us help you."
"No. No, no, no!" I resisted, a foolish act on my part.
That's when Patton took his turn, unlocking the car with spare keys and wrapping me in a tight hug when he opened the door. "Calm down, kiddo. We can talk about this, okay?"
Finally, I broke, sobbing into his shoulder. MY emotions were so stupid. Not even I could pinpoint them. I have to remember, though--it's not my emotions' job to make sense. That's what Patton told me anyways.
His velvet voice calmed me. Something about him always could play around with my emotions. "Okay." I hiccuped.

* * *

Everyone--including Logan and Deceit--clutched me tightly in one massive group hug, forcing their love to seep through me.
"We love you, Y/N," one of them whispered.
"You can always come to us whenever you have any problems," Logan assured me.
I closed my eyes, embracing the hug. "Thanks, guys. I love you, too."

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