2 Misery

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Inside the carriage Kathrine was sewing. She knew it wasn't the ideal task for sitting in a carriage, but reading books while riding made her nauseous and she didn't have anyone to talk with. The only one who could talk in her entourage was riding at the very front and didn't really seem to be a nice character. But what could she expect with her cousin selecting them?

At least he assigned her a maid (a mute one, of course) and let her choose her own clothing. Not that that was worth anything, as clothing wouldn't help her get out of his claws and the maid apparently had a crush on Ethan, so she would be more of a hindrance than anything else. Naturally, that was all within his calculations.

Sighing, she wanted to set another stitch as the carriage rocked and she pricked her finger instead. The sixth time today. It was a wise decision to take the pricey red cloth. Otherwise the blood would've already ruined it.

Three whole weeks of travel and she didn't get the slightest chance to flee. Every moment she was outside the carriage, at least two of the ten guards would be close by and even if she needed to, you know, do what every creature must, the maid would go with her and never too far out of sight. It was frustrating to no end. At times she was fuming inside, but didn't dare show it, out of fear to alert them. But even if she didn't alert them, they were not letting their guard down. Damn. Why did he have to know her so well?

Anyway, there was nearly no time left now, because they would reach their destination tomorrow afternoon. If the dukedom of Sleipnir wasn't next to the boarder, it would have taken much longer.

She should better make herself accustomed to the thought of marring some earl she didn't know in the slightest instead of hoping for a miracle. Thinking about how rapidly this had developed made her head ache and she leaned back, closing her eyes. It still hurt. Everything hurt so much, and she had no one to talk to. Ethan's ears were everywhere.

Maybe at least that would end after her marriage. Than it would be her husband who would poke his nose in every matter of hers. And what a nose it may be? She didn't even get to see a picture, much less the person. It could even be that Ethan was lying, and he was old and fat. On the other hand, why should he care? She couldn't get out of this anyway. She was just a little girl and didn't even have proper magic to help her survive.

Most magic users in all five kingdoms were trained to fight, but her magic wouldn't be of much help. It couldn't attack anyone. Ethan had always compensated that fault. Not anymore.

Downcast she healed the prick in her finger, for whatever reason deciding to move in a way, the maid wouldn't see it. Maybe it was a reflex. She should stop it next time. She wasn't Ethan's pet anymore and had no reason to hide herself.

The carriage was rattling over a rock before coming to a halt. For the last half a day, the maid had tried to beautify her with all means possible, driving Katherine nearly insane. Yes, she was pale, but didn't that match quite well with her ebony hair? Maybe she was a bit thin, but not a skeleton, thank you very much! No, she didn't want to wear this dress, it was too wide to even fit inside the carriage, much less trying to get through the door. Katherine didn't know, how someone could express so much criticism with only their eyes and hands. Still, it was better than thinking of her future husband all the time.

She took a deep breath, looking down on the violet dress, she decided to wear at last. It was a match with her eyes and fine silver embroidery extended over the wide skirt up to her slender waist. She wondered if the earl would like it, before she remembered that it didn't matter. The marriage was most likely set because of her skills, not her appearance. Still, maybe she should try hopping into the mud outside, just to test, if her assumption was right. It was raining cats and dogs the whole day already, as if the sky was mirroring her depression.

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