merely acquainted

Start from the beginning

"Ew, social interaction." He waves his hands in front of his face. "Send me a postcard will you?" He lays back down and goes back onto his phone. I scoffed as I walked towards the front door.

"Have fun loner." I wave as I walk out. I close my door and give a huff. Sometimes I wish I was on the same antisocial tier as him. I walked out of the building and out into the loud streets. Cars sped by, revving their tweaked or stolen engines. I stood in front of the girls skyscraper. It seemed more taller in the daylight. I strolled in, rubbing my ears under my hoodie.

I walked into the elevator and pressed for the door to close. It closed and I took my hoodie off. I rubbed them, the fabrics making them itch badly. I scolded myself for not buying a new hoodie. I quickly put my hood back on as the doors chimed open. The doors opened to reveal the same apartment, only cleaner. One feature stood out however.

"Oi, who the hell are you?" A gruff voice growled. The owner of the voice was a taller, ash blonde man with a crimson red vest, a black undershirt and trousers. He had piercing crimson eyes that bore into me. I scratched the back of my neck as I tried to rack my brain for an appropriate answer.

'Just came here because I helped some girl who tried to do the conga home drunk and invited me here without even knowing her name.'

"Well, I-"

"You're here!" A higher pitched voice spoke. A familiar pink skinned lady pushed past the ash blonde and gave me a wide smile. She stood next to me as she bounced up and down. "Thank you for last night! If it wasn't for you, then I don't know where I'd be." She gave a laugh as she threw her arm around my neck. I saw her exchange a glare with the ashen blonde male, who gave a growl in return. He glanced at me, and a sinister smirk crossed his features.

"Y'know, it's rude to wear a hood inside, peasant." He sneered. I felt my blood run cold. I scratched the back of neck.

"U-Uhm, well-"

"Oh Bakugou shut it! Its alright! You can show your ears, I show my horns anyways." She gave me a warm smile. I saw the ash blonde man, 'Bakugou', grumble something under his breathe. I gave a sigh as I took of my hood, not wanting to rile up the high mobster anymore then he was. My fluffy F/C ears sprung up.

You know the feeling of your ears popping when you get off a plane or something? Yeah, it feels like that.

The pink skinned lady gawked at them, rubbing and touching them. I could endure it from Kishi, so this wasn't too bad.

"Wow! They're so fluffy!" She removed her hand and face palmed herself. "I'm such an idiot, I don't even know your name. I'm Mina Ashido, but please call me Mina!" She gave a big grin.

"Y/N Eycho (EH-CH-O), nice to know you." I give a smile. I saw something red from the corner of my eye. Mina whipped her head around and gave a smile to the men entering the room. She slung her arm around my frozen figure and pointed to them.

"Y/N, these are my friends! The red one is Kirishima, the blonde doofus is Kaminari and the smiley one is Sero!" She introduced, pointing to each male when announced. She then pointed to the ashen blonde man, who was fixing his cuffs. "And that is Mr Grumpy pants, Bakugou." She did a small sarcastic jazz hands when it came to him. He glared at her before finishing his cuffs. They all wore suits that looked expensive.

I glanced over to see the other three males walk up to us. The blonde male, Kaminari, gave me a wink while the other two smiled.

"Hey there cutie, nice meeting you~" Kami flirted. I tried not to frown as he gave yet another wink. Luckily, his black haired companion, Sero, smacked him over the head.

"Ignore him please, he's pretty desperate for female attention." Sero snickers, earning a growl from Kaminari. The red head besides him reached over towards me and stroked my ears. I stiffened at the contact and stayed completely still. Mina came to my aid and slapped his hands away.

She gave a pout. "Kiri! She's uncomfortable." He held his hands up in defense as he gave a sad smile.

"Sorry, I was curious." He flashed a bright smile. "Thats pretty cool though! Can you hear better?" He asked. I gave a nod.

"Thanks, and yeah I can. I can hear up to twice as far as you can." I explain. I saw Bakugou walked up to me, lightly shoving Sero out of the way. He leaned in closer to me, as if studying me.

"Oh yeah? So how does this sound?" I raised an eyebrow as he brought his palm up to my left ear. I was about to ask what the hell he was doing when an abrupt crackle came from his palm. I flinched as an explosion blasted in my hear. I took a few steps back as I held my hand over my ear. I bit my lip, trying to keep in a scream. My entire left side was deprived of sound, kind of like one side of a pair of headphones not working.

"Bakugou! What the hell man?!" Kirishima yelled, pushing the ash blonde away from me. Bakugou just laughed in return. Sero and Mina came to my side, asking me if I was alright. I could only hear Sero however. I stood straight and removed my hand from my ear. I glared at the Bakugou.

"Thanks asshat." I muttered. He caught this and stepped forwards, a huge smirk plastered to his face.

"What was that? Rat?" I took in a deep breathe.

"I said-" a slap ricocheted of the walls. "-thanks asshat." I turned to Mina and gave the girl and small smile. "Sorry, I hope we can meet up later." I turned on my heel and walked out, leaving everyone stunned. I stepped in the elevator and pressed for the door to close. I saw Bakugou touch his cheek as he sent a nasty glare my way. The doors closed and I put my hood back on, feeling the elevator escalate downwards.

I walked out of the apartment and back home, hoping that Kishi would be there. I rubbed my left ear, trying to get used to only hear through one ear.


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