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@madkyra <3

@madkyra <3

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1.She handles it more quietly as she grows , being more emotional and loud as a child but getting a little cold as a teen when heartbroken .
2.She does not believe in luck and believes everything happens for a reason and that just so happens to be the reason .
3.She hates being alone and really would prefer at lest someone with her , she prefers her brothers or a friend but she'll take a guard or her father if she's desperate .
4.She fears loosing family but most people fear that . A big fear of hers besides that is disappointing her family since she has such a high ranking .
5.When she's with her brothers and or mother , she loves being wrapped up in her brothers arms or capes really it's a nice feeling .
6.Being a goddess she is made to look presentable and nice almost all of the time , mostly dresses and small accessories. But if she's trying to train with her mother and Loki she'll put on more flexible clothes .
7.She wants to decide which career she wants to do and be the best she can be in that field , either a healer or warrior.
8.Shes a very curious person and gets distracted easily which causes her to wander off , another smaller bad habit is biting her lip when anxious .
9.Since she's been taught to sit straight up and perfectly for a long time she finds it comfortable actually .
10.She loves hot weather for multiple reasons she likes plants and animals , she hates the Frost Giants , Frostbite hurts .
11.If she's sleeping alone she'll sleep on her stomach holding onto a pillow but if she's sleeping with a family member , like if she had a nightmare , she'd sleep on her side where she could hold onto them easily or on her stomach on top of them since Thor is so huge .
12.While Astrild dose have a nice soothing voice she doesn't know what Karaoke is , even if she did she wouldn't be a fan on pop songs or metal.
13.Honesty both , the female loves physical activity while she also loves trying to figure out a problem and solving it . But if she absolutely had to choose she'd run .
14.She has more of a small giggle , it's small but will grow louder if someone continues being funny .
15.Its very clean and neat but sometimes after writing for a while it grows messy and incorrect.
16.While she loves comfortable clothes she's made to be presentable 24/7 so causal clothes would only be during her training . Those are leggings and a blouse with her hair down and no shoes .
17.She'll sing a lullaby to herself Frigga once did when she was a baby . Sometimes even making a small plant grow from her hand but it lasted only a second or two .

1.She wants to be a strong person so she'll open up about it to her father or Wong and let herself cry it all out so she can move past it .
2.She believes in luck so much , so much so that she has a small glass on her bedside table filling with four leaf clovers .
3.While she isn't as bad as some kids she doesn't really like it but she doesn't experience it often since someone always has to be at the Sanctum to guard it and she doesn't really leave .
4.Of course loosing family but a smaller one is darkness , since she's already almost blind in one eye the thought of completely loosing her vision terrifies her .
5.She feels safest when Wong and her father are right there with her in the Sanctum .
6.Shes still little so she doesn't dress up up much but sometimes her father will put her into a dress with down tights and flats if someone is coming over or their going out .
7.She wants to follow her dreams and always stay true to herself , learning magic and being a doctor are the main ones .
8.She forgets things so easily , it's not a condition or anything she just has trouble remembering .
9.She doesn't have the best posture but she doesn't just slouch , it's just in the middle average . Though if people are over she tries to be a little better .
10.Well since she isn't allowed out much it doesn't effect her but cold into cause she likes Christmas and hot cocoa.
11.No matter what she always sleeps with her blind side against the mattress on her side . That way her good eye is facing up in case an intruder is there .
12.Firstly she can not sing to save her life but if she had to she'd sing an oldie like 'Come a little bit closer '.
13.Shes never had to run much so definitely the math , she hates math but rather that then a mile .
14.Its just a normal laugh really but sometimes if it's a harder laugh she'll snort .
15.She tries writing nice but has problems with spelling and keep her letters spaced apart .
16.An old long sleeved shirt of hers with sweatpants , she'd also put her hair up in a bun while trying to do the same to her fathers since Wong doesn't have hair .
17.The little girl tries breathing slowly and bending her thumb over and over slowly .


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1.When she was younger she didn't care but after Volstagg told her some scary stories she demands it be closed .
2.Like the first answer it formed a fear after Volstagg told her stories .
3.She definitely has a small ritual of brushing her teeth then hair then blah blah blah blah , if she doesn't complete it she can't sleep well normally .
4.She wouldn't do that mainly because it's a long walk in the dark and she won't risk that .
5.She prefers mornings really and sleeps at a decently hour.
7.She has a lot of wonderfully soft pillows so no certain one really matters to her .
8.Her bed is pretty nice and soft so she doesn't have to worry about either.

1.She doesn't really mind if it's open , she knows her fathers magic is powerful so doesn't worry about stuff getting into the house a lot .
2.While she doesn't care if her foot sticks out that's just not comfortable for her .
3.She doesn't have a specific ritual but has things she'll do before bed but if she doesn't do the it doesn't bother her .
4.Every night , she just gets hungry and doesn't mind walking to the kitchen . She tried being quiet though , it's always at the same time every night 11:28.
5.If She has a nightmare she depend go back to sleep that night so that's the only time she's a night owl .
6.Defiantly a morning person and loved waking up early in the morning to see her papa .
7.She doesn't have a certain pillow but doesn't like hard pillows or fuzzy pillows .
8.She has a normal full size bed , she likes it and it's very comfortable for her .

She has a normal full size bed , she likes it and it's very comfortable for her

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9.She doesn't have any pets sadly but if she had a dog or cat she'd always have them sleep in the bed with her . Though I doubt her family would approve.
11.She usually gets around 7-9 hours so a decent amount .
12.She is the baby of the family so she doesn't have to do that. Plus if there was a child she wouldn't mind getting up to take care of it but a servant or her parents would most likely do it .
13.If she had a dog she wouldn't mind getting up to deal with it but once again someone else would most likely do it .

9.Also doesn't have any pets but would love if they slept in her bed with her though she'd be more likely to regret that decision later on if they bothered her a lot in the night .
10.Out of the two ocs she'd be more likely .
11.Probably her , only by like an hour or so so maybe 7-8 hours .
12.No one else lives in the Sanctum besides her , her papa , and Wong so that's kinda unlikely .
13.She wouldn't be happy but she would get up to deal with it to prove to her father she was responsible.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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