Part 1

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"Amelia, come on dear! We're leaving now." A woman called from the car. A man was standing by the door, waiting for the girl.

"I'm here!" The said girl exited the house and went inside the car. The man locked the house door and followed the blonde.

"Where are we going today, Father?" A young girl in the back seat asked. "It's a secret, Bethany." The man teased, followed by a wink. He started the car and drove away.

"Aww..okay." Bethany whined.

"Children, don't remove Kenneth's seatbelt. It's for his safety." The woman in the passengers seat reminded.

"Camilla, the kids know what's right and what's wrong now. No need to remind them." The father said as he kept his gaze on the road. "What's wrong with reminders, Ferdinand?" Camilla asked, but not in a stern or angry tone. "Mother, Father, please don't fight." Amelia pleaded.

"We aren't fighting, sweetie." The two adults said in unison. The children quietly giggled as the two parents snickered.

A few minutes later

Amelia kept staring outside the window, watching the buildings and the cars. She caught a glimpse of her father struggling to stay awake. "Father, are you alright?" She asked. The man just nodded.

There was silence for a moment until.



You Are My Sunshine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora