That's kind of a big thing to leave out...

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) nodded tentatively and my smile broadened.

"So how long have you been practicing English? From the sounds of it, you're pretty good. Maybe even better than Ann." I joked, waiting for a reaction.

I didn't get the one I'd hoped for.

She looked at her watch and cleared her throat awkwardly. "I have to go." She pushed up from the table and walked away.

And with that my confidence shattered. Ugh, what did I do wrong this time?

~ time skip brought to you by the catholic church ~

The next day, at school, I confronted Ann again. I wasn't as gung-ho about it this time and she noticed.

"How'd it go with (Y/N)?" she prompted.

I threw my hands up in the air in frustration. "Not well!" And that's putting it lightly.

"It couldn't have been that bad." she said, poorly hiding a grin. Why does she enjoy tormenting me so?

"She literally ran away from me, Ann. I don't even know what I said! I tried to be gentle like you said but I guess I wasn't?" I ranted, confused and slightly surprised that I had failed at flirting with a girl for once. Sure, I'd gotten nervous before, but none of the girls had ever run away from me. 

"Am I scary?" I whispered.

Ann started giggling at my dilemma. I shot her a glare but she just continued. "You're fine. Like I said, she's just shy."

"That's an understatement."

"Tell you what. Tomorrow's Sunday. Come to my house around noon and we'll all have tea. She's got no excuse to run away if a mutual friend is there." Ann reasoned knowingly, stroking an invisible beard on her chin.

That sparked a bit of the shreds of confidence left in me. "Fantastic, I'll be there." I responded, a broad smile on my face.

~ time skip brought to you by dying of dysentery ~

After school, as I was walking back to Leblanc, I saw (Y/N) across the street. She was alone. Should I go over? Or should I wait until teatime tomorrow?

Maybe if I go talk to her now it will make tomorrow less awkward.

Or more awkward.

I shrugged and crossed the street. I approached her from the opposite direction, stopping her. "Hey! It's me again, Akira. How are you?" I asked, smiling.

She looked up at me and sighed. Without saying anything, she bowed politely and moved around me to continue walking.


Did that just happen?

I turned around and ran in front of her. "Uh-" I started. This time she merely sidestepped me without any acknowledgement. Now I just get to be ignored? I sighed. This girl really wasn't gonna make it easy for me.

I glanced behind me at her retreating back. She paused. I blinked, surprised. (Y/N) turned around and made eye contact with me. She gave me a slight smile and waved, before turning to leave again. 

Despite everything, I blushed at the action. Did she feel bad about ignoring me or something? This is so weird but she is way too cute to pass up.

I blinked at my thoughts. Am I really so weak??

~ time skip brought to you by boys will be bugs ~

I knocked on Ann's door. I blamed my sweating palms on the summer heat but I knew it was because of something else. Or someone else, really.

"Coming!" a small voice came from inside.

The door opened to reveal (Y/N). I gulped. All the other times I had seen her, she had been in formal clothing despite the heat. Now she wore the tiniest shorts I could imagine and a cute tank top.

I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to handle this visit.

She blinked up at me and opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

We stared at each other blankly, neither person knowing what to say.

She eventually broke the silence. "Ann?" she yelled back into the house. She asked something else in English.

Ann's laugh could be heard in response and for the first time I saw (Y/N)'s face crumple into one of annoyance. She threw me an apologetic look and gestured for me to come in, closing the door behind me.

She walked further into the house to, I assume, find Ann. My eyes were, of course, glued to her ass.

I have absolutely no self control.

I followed after her and watched Ann and (Y/N) speak to each other in English. Ann looked about ready to explode from laughter and (Y/N) looked mildly ticked off.

I cleared my throat. "Sorry, I'm not really following this conversation."

(Y/N) opened her mouth but Ann cut her off. "She was just asking why you were here. I guess I forgot to mention our plans."

I sighed ruffling my hair. "That's kind of a big thing to leave out."

Ann relayed the information to (Y/N) and a blush spread over the girl's cheeks. She muttered something in English. The blonde just giggled in response.

"You two go sit down. I'm going to start making the tea." Ann said, leaving the two of us alone.

I sat down at the small table and smiled invitingly to her. She bit her lip and glanced back to where Ann left. "I promise I don't bite." I joked half-heartedly.

She turned back to me and gave me a polite laugh for my efforts but otherwise stayed quiet. Way to go, self. I watched her grab a book from the ground and sit across from me, immediately flipping it open in favor of speaking with me.

I sighed. Enough of this dancing around each other. "Hey, (Y/N), I think you're beautiful and I would like to take you out on a date." She looked up at me with wide eyes. I gulped but proceeded. "It's cool if you don't want to and I'm happy to just become your friend." I mentally clapped myself on the back for my courage and patiently awaited her response.

(Y/N) sighed and closed the book, placing it gently down on the table. She laced her fingers together and rested them next to the book. Her eyes raised to meet mine and she opened her mouth.

"I don't speak Japanese." she spoke in obviously broken Japanese. I groaned, slapping my hand to my forehead.

A giggle came from the other room and I looked over to see Ann with a shit-eating grin on her face and her phone in her hand, recording the entire ordeal.

(Y/N) and I looked at each other for a beat. Nodded. We stood up.

"Haha... Guys?" Ann asked, her laughter fading. We both took a running stance. "Oh shit." she stuffed her phone in her pocket and ran, with the two of us on her heels.

A/N: Each chapter I write for this series gets smaller just like everytime I mention my lifespan- anyway when I went to add this chapter I got really confused cause usually I can just go into the dropdown menu under my pfp in the top right and go down to "Works" but iT wASn'T tHERe and I kind of just went "well i guess they kicked me off the writing block"

I can't believe wattpad had the aUdaCitY to hiDe the write button from me- unbelievable i'm calling the police

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