ep001 "Chapter One"

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ep001 "Chapter One"

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ep001 "Chapter One"


     JAZMIN DEJESUS HAD never wanted to blend into the place she called home. She wanted to do what she needed to in order to survive, and then get her family out. It would be hard, it always was for kids from Freeridge, but it was better then the alternative, being consumed by the violence that surrounded her. The same violence that had taken so many lives that she cared about. She refused to be the next kid from Freeridge that found their grave too early. She refused to be forgotten because of a statistic. She wanted to be remembered, and that meant being the girl who survived. So, she'd left behind the ties that bound her to the Santos Gang and did her best to stay far away from the Kings of Freeridge. It was the only way to keep herself and the people she loved safe.

"Míja," Jazmín's mother knocked loudly on her door. She pulled her trusted black cropped hoodie over her head and slipped on her dark denim shorts before pulling her door open. "You're going to be late for school if you don't start walking soon." The teenager nodded before rushing into the kitchen and pulling open the fridge. She twisted open the milk before smelling the sour taste. 

Jazmín called out before pouring the remaining milk down the sink. "Milk's expired." Her mother huffed before pulling her phone out. 

"I'll go ahead and text Oscar to see if he could-" 

"Mama," Jazmín hissed out. "We don't need Santo's help." 

"You know I wish we didn't," María frowned. "But we do, and you know Santos has loyalty for our family." 

"Loyalty," She couldn't help but scoff. "The only loyalty the Santos has is for your dead brother, mama. They don't care about us, your brother just asked them to watch out for us, but we don't need them to." María knew of Jazmín's hatred for the gang that ran the streets of Freeridge. She used to have an unbreakable bond with a few members, but time had passed and the bond was more fragile then she realized. Her Uncle's passing showed her that. Not to mention, she watched a Santo's member murder in cold blood. Santos couldn't keep anyone safe, and she didn't want to be another person on the list they tried to protect but failed to do so. 

"Go on Loca," María smiled setting her hand on her daughter's cheek. "Or I'll be late for work." Work was a harsh word in the Dejesus house. Her mother was in and out of jobs far more then she had once, and normally María didn't tell her daughter where she worked. Jazmín knew why, her mother was ashamed, but she was surviving. Jazmín understood that, she respected it. Even if to work her mom was stripping, and far too many people considered it dirty money. There was plenty of dirty money floating around Freeridge. 

Jazmín grabbed her bag before slinging it over her shoulder and walking out the door. The walk to school wasn't long, but she hated the aspect of walking alone. She knew she could get a ride. There were two different people she could ride with. First, there was one of the Santos members that had offered to her mother long before. Jazmín had less then politely declined. Then, there was her on again off again "boyfriend", José. He wasn't exactly a boyfriend, but they never liked focusing on titling whatever they had. They were together even when they weren't. He was hers, and everyone knew she was his. They were currently on the outs which was exactly why she was walking. He had offered her a ride, but she was not going to feed his theory. She could take care of herself.

A car slowed beside her and normally she'd speed up, but she knew who the car belonged to. Oscar Diaz ran the streets of Freeridge, and he was the main one who offered to take care of her family. She knew multiple reasons why. He had respect for her Uncle, and a long time ago they were friends. They were never close, but her Uncle would leave her with him when he had a run to make. "Hop in, Loca." Her eyes traced the car, and she noticed his little brother in the front. She wouldn't be suprised if Cesar had gone through initiation. It was expected in the Santos line. 

She was lucky that Santos had minimal females in the crew. Actually, she wasn't sure if they even had any. "You know I'm not gonna do that, Spooky." He smirked at the girl once she started walking and set his foot gently on the gas to keep up with her.

"You that scared of the crew, Chica," He said before she turned on her heel to face the car. Spooky set on the brake the car jerking a bit at the sudden friction. 

"You know I'm not scared of you, Spooky," She hissed out. "Or the crew. I know you and the crew would never move against my family. You have respect for my Uncle and by association, you've got respect for me. But just because you won't move against me, doesn't mean your enemies won't. Now, Péndéjó let me walk in peace." She knew it was risky talking to Spooky like she did, respect or not, female or not. She was taking a risky step, but she was hot-headed and everyone in Freeridge knew that. She was a smart girl who's sense flew out the window the moment the heat turned up. Oscar flung his door open before stepping out of the car.

"You want to say that again, Loca." She smirked. 

"Péndéjó," She made sure to step closer for a little emphasis. A move that, if she was anyone else, could've gotten her killed. Oscar ran a hand across his chin before grabbed her elbow and pushing her into his backseat. "Spooky, I swear to god." He took a seat in his car before flinging around to look at her. 

"Now you listen Loca," He hissed. "I've got respect for your family, but if you keep talking like that-you won't have my protection."

"I don't need your protection," She huffed. He started the car, and she did her best to keep her anger at bay for just another two minutes.

"Really?" He questioned. "You know after your Uncle was killed, The Prophets were gonna come for your family. They thought he'd leave money for you, and they wanted to rob you. I made a truce with them to make sure they didn't. So, the moment I lift my protection over you-your family is fair game. You want to put your mother in danger like that, yourself? Believe it or not, I'm trying to keep this neighborhood safe." They pulled into the parking lot and she opened the door. 

"Well, it doesn't seem like it," She said before closing the door and walking toward the school. Cesar was quick to catch up to her. "You joined, huh?" 

"Yeah," He said. "Listen, Loca. I know you've lost a lot, but it's not the crews fault-"

"Is that your words or Spooky's?" She questioned before catching Mario's eyes. "I gotta bounce-" She turned and pinned a curious gaze onto Cesar. "Be careful, Cesar. The life isn't what they say it is." With that, she wondered over to Mario deciding that she needed to forgive him, so she never had to ride with Spooky and his brother again.


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