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Freddy walked over to his stereo and plugged in his pear phone. He pressed shuffle, even though he was looking for a specific song. Eventually he just clicked on I'm not okay by My Chemical Romance and hid under his blanket.
               "Something bugging you Fredbag?" Sam Said as she came in his room. She could see Freddy was ignoring her and decided to scream louder and louder. She eventually switched off the stereo, startling him, which means he obviously couldn't hear over the loud music. "Oh Sam." He Said , as if he was actually quite happy to hear her voice. "Oh nothings bothering me." He lies to her face.
"Fredbag that's the biggest lie of the century." Sam Said to hima s she sat down on his bed. "Okay you got me." He Replied.

         "My head is killing me and I don't know how to truly express my feelings to Carly." He Said to her. "So blasting MCR is supposed to help your headache?" She asked him. They giggled.
"I don't know... I've just not been feeling normal these past few days. Spencer Said it is just teenage Angst. My mom thinks I'm spending to much time with you and Carly and she hasn't sprayed me enough." He added. Sam reached to give him a hug and she is stopped by him. "Woah, Sam you know me and-" he started but was interrupted by Sam. "I know it's a friendly hug." She said.
This made
Freddy smile.

The next day at school,
Freddie was alarmed by Carly slamming a locker in his hand. "Oh my god!?" She yelled. "Ahh!ow." Freddie Yelled.
"I think I broke it." He Replied. "This is the second time I've smooshed your hand. Come on, we can afford to miss one class." She said. "Whatever you do, dont tell your mom I did it. Please?" Carly added. "Of course not she'd ban you from my life completely." He Said in reply.

i can save a kiss for you (creddie)Where stories live. Discover now