"When I woke up again, I was where I was kept the majority of my time there. I had been stripped down to a pair of white boxers and I was in that cage in the empty room. It was terrifying. They would only feed me once a day and when they were feeling like it, they we take me out and... and beat me." I could feel myself shaking as my thoughts traveled back to my days locked in that room, how lonely it was, how terrified I felt constantly. "Since my wolf wasn't fully developed, he couldn't help much and my healing wasn't strong enough to keep me from getting the scars that cover my body. Throughout the years, more wolves joined me and eventually were... taken elsewhere. I don't know where they went or if they were killed. Most of the time, I was just scared and alone. I truly believe the only reason I survived in there was thinking of coming back here, coming home."

My hand floated up to my throat, toying with my family necklace. "This was what kept me sane, holding this, having this. I would either hide it behind the cage or hold it in my hand when it was time to do things."

Tears gathered in my eyes as I thought about what I would have to explain next. I hiccuped and clenched my eyes shut before continuing. "It didn't really get bad until I turned thirteen and one of the men who oversaw us started... he started looking at me weird and at first I didn't understand it but then, one day, he brought me into a different room." My breathing was short and I had to take a minute to relax before I could continue. "He liked to use me, and sometimes some of his other friends would use me, too. At first I tried to fight it, I always wanted to save myself for my mate, but I quickly learned that fighting back only made it worse so I would just lay there, staring at the ceiling and trying my best not to scream." 

I could feel Jacob's chest rising and falling quickly below me but I couldn't look at him. I don't think I could handle it if he looked at me in disappointment. "It went on like that for years, with them beating me and using me. Then, two years ago, Emery was brought in and, god, he made everything better. I hated that I couldn't prevent the pain he was going through, that I couldn't hug him when he cried. I just remember us leaning against the sides of our cages, our fingers interlocked as I tried my best to run my fingers through his hair. He always calms down when you play with his hair."

A small smile traced my lips as I thought about Emery, the only light in the unending darkness that was the last decade of my life. "Emery was the greatest blessing. After years of rotating through other prisoners, he was the only one I really connected with. So, when they I heard they were going to use Emery the way they were using me, I knew we had to get out. I had been planning an escape for years, watching the guards, listening to their conversations. That night, when they came to get me, I hit him, knocked him out and took his keys to let Emery out and we ran. You- you know the rest." I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I noticed that throughout my speech, I had taken Jacob's shirt in my fist, clutching it so hard my knuckles turn white. 

As I zoned back into the moment, I noticed that Jacob's breathing was ragged and he was clutching me much tighter than before. He had also rested his cheek on my head and it was just now that I realized my hair was wet. 

"Jacob?" I asked tentatively. 

He took a deep breath and lifted his head off mine so I could look up at him. He had tear tracks running on his face and his eyes were rimmed with red. He looked at me and I could feel the sadness, the pain rolling off of him in waves but surprisingly, there was no disappointment, no disgust. 

"They hurt you so much," he whispered, his voice breaking slightly. 

My eyes watered as he brought his hand up to wipe away a tear and push back a couple of strands of hair. In that second, my entire being was filled with so much love for the boy in front of me. My wolf practically shoved itself forward, wanting to express how deeply he felt for his amazing mate. 

I pushed myself up slightly, using the hand that had balled up his shirt on his chest to press my lips against his. My other hand released the pendant on my necklace to cup his cheek in my hand. I felt a tear track its way down my face as I pushed myself up on my knees. Jacob had wrapped his arms around my waist, crushing my chest to his as he poured everything he had into our kiss. I could feel my wolf purring within me, glad to be close to our mate. 

Our kiss broke after moments, maybe hours, and I rested my forehead against Jacob's. My heart rate was going fast and my breathing was kind of heavy, but as I rested my forehead against Jacob, feeling his breath against my lips, I had never felt safer. 

After a few moments, Jacob took a heavy breath. "We should probably go and see your family. They should know that you remember now." 

I opened my eyes to look at him. He was already staring at me, his eyes ringed with red. The grey was piercing into me with emotion so strong, it shook me. It wasn't necessarily bad emotions, though. Sure there was pain held within them and sadness, too. But I could also feel an overwhelming sense of compassion and joy and a bit of something else I couldn't put my finger on. 

"Yeah," I whispered. "Let's go." 

We both took deep breaths before disentangling ourselves from each other. I didn't want to bother with changing, the t-shirt I had borrowed (stolen) from Jacob and the pair of sweatpants I was wearing were good enough. Jacob followed me out as I hurried down the stairs. 

I stopped at the foot of the stairs, looking over at the living room. I could see the backs of my parents' heads over the back of the couch. The news was playing on the TV and, as usual, they were cuddled up, Kayden's head resting on Paxton's shoulder.

My heart pounded as I stared on. It felt like I was seeing them for the first time, even though I knew I had been with them for weeks now. My throat tightened and tears were gathering in my eyes again. 

I felt fingers lacing through mine and turned my head to the left. Jacob smiled at me, squeezing my hand. "Go, you have no idea how much they missed you." 

He let go of my hand and I started forward, walking around the couch. "Daddy, Papa?" I said, my voice breaking. 

Their heads turned, the content smiles on their faces dropping as they caught sight of me. 

"Connor, what's wrong?" Kayden asked as Paxton grabbed the remote to mute the TV. 

I stopped after I made my way around the arm of the couch. My body was shaking as I tried to suppress the tears. "I remember." My voice came out only as a whisper. I felt if I spoke any louder, I'd break down completely. "I remember everything."

A tear broke through as realization dawned on their faces and they both scrambled to get up and through their arms around me. 

"My baby, my son," Kayden whispered as he crushed me to his chest, Paxton coming up next to him and wrapping both of us in his arms. I could feel his chest rising and falling irregularly against my back, obviously trying not to cry. A sigh left my lips as I melted into them, their warmth covering me like a blanket. 

My eyes caught Jacob's watching us as he leaned up against the back of the couch and he smiled at me. For the first time in years it felt like everything was into place. 

The Found Wolf (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now