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There I laid in my bed, sleeping oh so peacefully until Kaitlin had barged into my room, placing her hands on my body and shaking me, in an attempt to wake me out of my deep slumber.

"Wake that ass up negro! We have school today, so get the fuck up and get dressed." She bellowed, earning a groan from me in return.

"Nigga, get up. We're already gonna be late as it is since we have to pick up Nick and Maria." She added. See, we have a small group of friends which consists of me, Kaitlin, who is my acebooncoon and someone who I'd take a bullet and die for. We've been bestfriends ever since we were in diapers. She also happens to live with my mother and I since her mother tragically passed a few years back and she had no other family out here in Atlanta, so my mother obliged in being her legal guardian.

Nick is my other bestfriend who is like a brother to me. We're so much alike and it's like he's like an exact replica of me. I honestly love him with all my heart. This man has been around with me since we met in elementary school, he was basically the only guy friend I had and still is to be honest.

Next is Maria, she came into my life unexpectedly if we're being honest. A day prior to meeting her, Kaitlin had came out to me by being bisexual, which I had no problem with whatsoever since I was gay. Regardless of her sexuality, I'd love her until the day that I die. She had told me she had a girlfriend and she wanted me to meet her and that's how I met Maria. She is actually a chill person to hang around and be friends with. The two are really on and off, so I'm honestly surprised that they're talking to each other right now.

"Gimme five more minutes." I grumbled turning to face the wall with my back facing her.

"Bit-.." She punched me in my back, walking over to the window, pushing the drapes back. That allowed the rays of sunshine to beam into my room, which caused me to take my bedspread and cover my face with it, only to have it snatched off of the bed by Kaitlin.

"Girl leave me alone!" I yelled, curling up into a ball, covering my face with my arms. "I am tired, let me sleep."

She said nothing as she left out the room, I looked up and grabbed my comforter, covering myself with it again. As soon as I closed my eyes, Kaitlin had dashed me with a cup of cold water. My eyes immediately opened and I sat up, gasping for air, giving her a glare.

"You have an hour." She said and blew a kiss at me leaving  out of my room, leaving me sitting on the edge of my bed. My hands reached for my face and I began to rub my eyes, then standing up and stretched my stiff muscles. After that I proceeded to walk into my bathroom, pushing the door close behind me and I turned on the water faucet to the tub, getting my water ready for my shower.

About fifteen minutes later, I turned to knobs to the faucet off, shutting off the water and got out of the tub, grabbing my towel and began drying myself off. Once I was done with that, I wrapped the towel around my waist, grabbing my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. I made sure to brush my tongue as well, because having a white ass tongue with a stink ass breath is not it. I spit out the toothpaste and washed off my face, leaving out of the bathroom and allowing the towel to drop on the floor once I reached my dresser, getting out a pair of underwear and an undershirt when I opened the drawers.

After getting dressed in my undergarments, I began searching through closet for something to wear today. This is honestly the hardest part of the morning, trying to find an outfit. No, I lied, the hardest part is deciding on if you wanna wake up or not. But picking out an outfit takes second place. Taking about 15 minutes to scan my entire closet, I decided on putting on a pair of black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of black and white checkered Vans.

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