Chapter 4

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That brings us to the present. Shall we see what out outcasts are up too?

   Loud cheers echoed around the field.
   Bright reds and dark blues littered the stands.
   Short skirts twirled around tan legs dancing on the sidelines.
   Sparkling lights reflected off shiny silvers and golds.

"GO JAMES GOOOO!!!!" A loud, high pitched voice screamed from the stands.
Down on the field a particular quarterback adorned in red and white smirked to himself, his icy blue eyes twinkling ever so slightly.
A beautiful golden haired girl giggled lightly as she twirled her drum sticks around her small fingers.
The tall girl standing next her rolled her eyes and scoffed, smiling nonetheless as she brought her flute back up to her plump lips.
The boy beside him winced ever so slightly at the loud voice but quickly shook it off, laughing silently to himself.

 "TOUCHDOWN!" The announcer screamed through the intercom. The crowd went wild.
"YAS HUNNY RUN! SHOW OFF THEM MUSCLES!" The same high pitched voice screamed once again.
The two girls laughed as they ran back to the band room, the boy beside him rolled his eyes, and finally the sweaty quarterback chuckled and ran back to the locker room. They met up in the parking lot a few minutes later.

"Who's turn is it to drive?" (Anything underlined is sign language) the silent boy signed.

"Uhh, I don't know." James responded.

"Of course you dont hunny, ok then, Autumn THE CHART!" The loud boy called out, earning a chuckle from the golden haired girl.

"Don't encourage him Dawn." The red head stated, rolling her eyes while heading over a bedazzled piece of paper to the energetic boy.

"Ah, here we are, Charlie, baby, it's your turn!" He exclaimed loudly. The chocolate haired boy groaned.

"Fine but Dawn gets to sit in shotgun." He signed quickly. The others groaned loudly, well, except for Dawn of course. She squealed and immediately hopped into the front seat, quickly connecting the aux cord to her phone.
Charlie smirked as he climbed behind the wheel. The other three slowly trudged to the car. Chris clambered up into the car, quickly sliding over to the seat behind Charlie.

"Chris I saw the chart, scooch." Autumn called out.

"Aww, come on! I don't wanna sit in the bitch seat!" He whined.

"Will you move if I give you extra cuddle time?" James asked, a smirk evident on his face. Chris put a hand up to his chin, thinking about his choice. Extra cuddle time with his crush, or the window seat? Yeah the answer here was pretty obvious.
He nodded, trying his hardest to keep a straight face. Of course, this child is about as straight as a rainbow so there was really no point in trying.             
He quickly moved to the middle while James and Autumn took a seat on both sides of him. As soon as everyone was buckled up, Chris immediately took James muscular arm, wrapping it around himself as he curled up into his side. James chuckled quietly, as he gently started running his fingers through the smaller boy's hair.

Autumn rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone as Charlie pulled out of the school parking lot, Dawn blasting Hamilton through the speakers. The small teen took a quick glance over her shoulder, the two girls sharing a knowing glance, a small smile passing between them.

The red head laughed to herself as they pulled up to the local pizzeria. This was just part of their little tradition. Every Friday night they would always have an epic slumber party at Dawn's home. Her grandmother had basically claimed them all as her own at this point. She even learned sign language for Charlie's sake. There was no one quite like Granny Smith.

The group quickly made there way inside, laughing and talking with one another. The lady at the counter smiled and nodded at them while they took a seat, after all, by this point she knew their order by heart. Half cheese, half meat lovers.
The small bell chimed softly as more new customers walked through the door. The soft click of heels against the tile floor could be heard as they made their way over to a table. The group smirked as they sat down across from the five outcasts.
Dawn visibly tensed, while the other four instinctively scooted closer. Charlie gently took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. She shut her eyes tight and took a deep breath. There was no way she was going to give those stuck up barbie dolls the pleasure of seeing her break down.
Lucky for them the lady chose that exact moment to come out with their pizza. Dawn quickly stood up and took it, thanking her before speed walking to the door. Autumn gave the lady the money and followed the others out.
Unfortunately that's where their luck ran out. One of the so called populars from the other group stuck her leg our at the last minute, effectively tripping the poor girl. Luckily Autumn managed to catch the pizza while Charlie caught Dawn.

 "Oh no hunny, I know you did not just trip my boo!" An extremely angry Chris exclaimed. However before all hell could be unleashed James managed to catch him just in time.

"LET ME AT HER! SOMEONE AUTA STUFF THAT STILLETTO WHERE THAT RAT NESTS SHE CALLS STYLE SITS!" He called out. James sighed and quickly threw the struggling boy over his shoulder. Chris quit his struggle, resting his head upon his hand, a frown evident upon his face.
The small group snickered quietly. The same lady from before came out a second later with their pizza; however her untied shoe lace prevented her from getting very far. The pizza went flying through air landing directly on the same girl, or more commonly known as Brittany, who had tripped Dawn in the first place. The pizza slid down her white blouse and straight down her short pink skirt, leaving a dark red stain in it's wake. She screamed and stomped the floor angrily, her balled up fists  coming to a rest by her side.


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