Unhappy Birthday

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October 2017


The shop is always so busy around Halloween. I'm not sure if it's because of the witch community here, or if it's these teens are heavily into the supernatural. But I've had my fun giving the kids a little scare every once in a while, as long as they're still willing to buy a slice of pie or any of my other sweets after their reading.

Take for instance - I'm sitting now with this young kid from Baxter High. A football player, really popular. I can look into his thoughts - he treats his fellow classmates like they're bottomless scum. He likes to get drunk and cause trouble with his fellow football players. Punks like him bothered me growing up, but it's been a while since I've dealt with that sort of behavior.

"Well?" he asks me, his voice cracking. Got him. I study his palms a few more times, crafting my answer. What will get this kid to learn his lesson? His girlfriend recommended he come into my shop, fearing that he was heading down a bad path. Smart girl. Might as well give him his money's worth.

"I see...." I begin telling the sucker, "Your life line is a little short. You do have a good life, good career in your sports....but...."

"But what?" he starts freaking out, "Why is my line short? What's gonna happen to me?" I take a moment, reading the fate line at the bottom of his palm and correlating it with what I can see for the kid. I look him in the eyes, acting as neutral as possible.

"You're gonna get into a nasty accident in the near future due to your alcohol problems. As a result, you're gonna get paralyzed and die of a broken heart because you couldn't pursue your career." I can see it in his face. He's shitting himself.

"Oh god." he panics. "Please tell me you're full of shit!"

"I wish I was, but that's what the fates tell me." I shrug my shoulders at him. "So I suggest you stop partying so much and work on your schoolwork. And take more time to develop your career instead of harassing your classmates. Understand?" He doesn't have the words to respond to me. He nods his head in fear. I smile.

"How about I sell you a slice a pie before you head out?"

I convince the kid to take a piece of cherry pie that I threw some hints of lemon balm and valerian into earlier this morning. He takes a couple of bites, much calmer now after hearing the news of his "fate", and leaves. I smile, not because he is leaving for good, but because I saw his real future. He wasn't going to get paralyzed and die of a broken heart. He was going to end up going to some community college and working for his family at a gas station, and he would grow up to be a cranky old man yelling at his neighbors to get off his lawn. Poor guy, but he kind of needed that push.

Once he leaves, I start working on my signature peach pie, a fan favorite. Baking has always been a calming remedy for me, and it allows me to use some of my magic in as well, depending on how the customers treat me that day. I'm glad to have started the business since moving to Greendale with the help of Hilda and Zelda Spellman, who run the Mortuary out by the forest. They've been so good to me, and they've helped me adjust to life here. I'm shocked that no one in the recent years have made me sit down and sign the Book of the Beast, considering that I'm not affiliated with the Church of Night and I still have my powers. But maybe that's because of my background....

I haven't opened up much about my past in Riverdale. It's better to stay buried in that house on Fox Lane.....if there is still a Fox Lane. But how would I know? I haven't stepped foot in Riverdale in almost 25 years.

I use some magic to play some music in the shop. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac is blaring through the speakers, an oldie but a goodie. Stevie's singing about respecting someone's freedom but wanting them to remember the past. I start humming along, the lyrics like second nature to me.

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