➹ viii || Amelia!!!

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Amelia finished her breakfast and quickly washed the dishes she had used.

"Ah yes..." She heard Mr. Citrus say to the telephone, she slid past him up the stairs to her room, she flipped onto the bed and stared at the sunflower painted ceiling. She knew something was off, how could she be back home? Why was her Father acting so wired?

There was a knock on the door,

"Amelia... How about you go and shop for some groceries, we're running low on food." Amelia heard her Father said, she didn't look at him or say anything,

"Amelia!" He said again

"AMELIA CITRUS GO GET THE GROCERIES!!!" He screamed at her, Amelia jumped, her Father never screamed at her, she got up and obeyed what her father had said.

When Amelia finally got to the grocery store she got the things off of the list while she drowned in her thoughts.

"Amelia!" She heard someone say, but there was no one there.

"Amelia!!" Someone had said again,

"Amelia!!!" She closes her eyes and...

"Duncan?" Amelia said.

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