He is Jongin

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Do Kyungsoo is a fresh graduate. Eversince he was a kid, he have dreamt of being a Journalist. Now he's one step closer to his dream of becoming a very well-known state Journalist.

He was given a project- A very rare one. He needs to make a cover report about the one of the most greatest dance group in the world- The Rainmakers.

They are composed of five members performing in different parts of the globe. But here's the catch- They're performing in the rain with masks on their faces. This coming month, they will be performing in the state- And this is Kyungsoo's one-shot chance to prove his worth in the Journalism world.

So he used all his connections to locate where the Rainmakers are. After one week of searching, he was told that the international group is currently staying at an exclusive mansion owned by the talent company they are working for- It was located at a rural area. So he traveled two and a half days just to reach his destination.

When he came into the front of the mansion, he noticed it was lock- The grand gate is locked.

'How am I suppose to get in?'

He Who Dances In The Rain: A Jongin One-ShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin