I'm Listening...

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Author's Note: Sorry for the misspelled words and grammar. The picture above is of your house, or at least what it was modeled after. Happy reading!


You pull into the glorious estate of your current resadence, the pathway lined with Cherry Blossoms, pink staring to fade with the changing of fall. Your large estate was moddeld after the Chetaeou De Chamboard in france. You thanked your driver and flung your bag/breefcase behind your back, thinking you looked quite cool, you walked inside.

"Good evening Young Mistriss, how was school?" The maid asked taking your bag and the rest of the cool facade.

"It was-" You were cut off by two little girls sliding dwon the rail of the main staircase and tackling you to the ground.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" They yelled. You could only see their hair untill they smiled up at you with large grinns showing all teeth.

"Hello Connie, hello Sarah." You laughed.

"Big sis!" sarah cooed, "Today in class we learned how to ball room dance, and I introduced myself to the entire class, and diddnt even get shy!!"

"(y/n)," Connie bounced on your stomach making you grunt, "Today in MY class we had music! Everyone loved my chello solo!" Se said proudly.

"Good for both of you!" You pushed them off. " Where's Lola?" You questioned, brushing your uniform off.

"She's upstairs in her room." Sarah jumped as she spoke.

"You two go tell her to change into some cloths for dinner, and you go and change too when your done telling her."

They giggled and ran upstairs. You slowly trailed behind them and turned to your room.

It was very large with a king sized bed, sitting area, and desk with a laptop. You look out your window to see the garden being tended to, you turned towards your walk in closet. Picking your (f/c) dress, you couldn't help but think about Kyoya Ootori. You took off your uniform and threw it angrily in the hamper.

'I can't believe that jerk. I can get doing research but calling me out on how we are competitors is just plain rude! Someone is a daddy's boy.'

You laughed to yourself and changed into slight heels. Satisfied with what you saw in the mirror, you ruffled up your (h/c) hair.

You slowly made your way up to the third level where your father's office was.

Your father sat at his large desk, piled with papers, typing away on his computer when he got an email alert. Looking at his inbox he saw the sender, Yoshio Ootori.

Curiously he opened it.

"Mr. (l/n),

I have an offer regarding your eldest daughter (f/n) (l/n). It's an opportunity that you won't want to miss."

His eyes shifted to the picture of you and your three sisters, smiling and looking into the camera.

He heard a gentle knock at the door.

"Enter." He said only glancing up from the screen as he read.

You came in to the dark room, only lit with the setting sun and the computer screen.

"Father, dinner is ready. Will you be joining us?"

He looked up and eyed you, and went back to the screen, then you again.

"Sorry sweetie, but I'm going to be here for a while longer. I have some emails I need to respond to." His eyes went back to the screen.

You nodded and shut the door behind you.

He responded to the email,

"I'm listening, Ootori. Meet me here Saturday, and bring the boy if you wish."

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