Some of them were open and she could smell the lingering scent of other Werewolves. Nine began to stir, her hunting instincts were kicking in and the beast was not making it any easier. All she wanted to do was to hunt and kill her prey.

That was her life – that’s what her master created her for.

Feeling her anxiety, Dexter gently ran his hand through her fur. Together they moved to another door that lead to the arena but instead of in the cage, they were outskirts of it, near the stands. They were walking on the bottom level while everyone else was on the top.

Pack members and the few Alphas’ ceased in all activity and stared openly at Nine. She flatten her ears and began to snarl threateningly at all the males. The warriors were quick to turn away from the aggressive she-wolf. They’ve seen her in action and don’t wish to go up against her.

Dexter was quick to lead Nine to the exit. Double doors were the last obstacle and he moved to open them. Just as he did the sun cast a glow through the threshold.

Nine immediately backed up and blinked repeatedly at the light. All at once different scents and smells bombarded her senses. Backing away even further she shook her large head before bowing low in fear. Whining, Nine almost turned back when Dexter grabbed her by her fur.

“It’s ok-okay! I-I’m here with yo-u!” he said in a soothing voice, “Th-this is your ch-ance to finally sm-sm-smell all the pre-pretty flowers a-a-and see the th-things I told you about.”

Nine paused and stared at Dexter. Her heart raced and muscles bunched, ready to run.

“It’s ok-ay.” He nodded. Taking a deep, shaky breath, Nine took a tentative step towards the threshold. With encouraging words she kept moving forward only hesitating for a few seconds. Then it was time for Nine to take her first steps into the sunlight. The warmth of the sun was strange to her as she continued moving forward.

Then suddenly she felt something brush through her fur but could not see anything. Jumping back in shock, she almost pushed Dexter over in her retreat.

“It’s j-j-just the wind!” Dexter reassured her but Nine looked to him pleadingly, almost wanting to go back to the cage. She’d never been this afraid before, the sudden change was frightening her. But Dexter shook his head and gave her a stern look.

“I’m right h-here, not-hing will happen to you.” 

Nine’s tail moved slightly in between her legs and her shoulders hunched. She trusted Dexter and slowly lifted her head to sniff the air. So many aromas she inhaled but none of them seemed threatening. Forcing herself to move, Nine finally reached the end of the concrete pathway. Blinking again, her eyes took a while to adjust to the glare of the sun but once they did, Nine couldn’t help but look around wildly.

Her ears perked up in excitement and eyes widened in awe. “Dex! It’s the woods – just like you showed me!” she exclaimed in enthusiasm, her tongue rolling out her mouth.

Cautiously she moved and touched gently on the rocky ground. She never felt anything but concrete so it felt very bizarre to feel something so rough and bumpy under her paws. Nine giddily trotted around getting a feel for the ground before spotting a patch of green grass. Like a child experiencing everything for the first time, she playfully skipped up to it and laid down completely on the ground, just gazing at the grass in curious wonder before lifting her right paw and lightly tapped the grass and then quickly removing her paw away as if the grass would sting her.   

Dexter grinned and looked proudly at Nine. He almost choked with emotion at her childlike innocence. He watched her stand up and step on the grass, she whipped around to him and yipped in happiness and then began to sniff around the woods.  

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now