No. 5

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A few minutes ago...

“What scissors? “ Yhannie was confused by Kim’s words.

“You know, the scissors??” Kim emphasized the word scissors.

Yhannie shook her head in wonder. Kim heaved a sigh sensing that she still have no idea what she was talking about, which she have really NO IDEA what Kim was talking about.

“The scissors you lent me because I had to untie the darn knot you made when you packed those kitchen utensils?”  Kim explained further.

“I didn’t lent you any scissors” 

“Of course you did” she demanded her tone firm.

“No, I didn’t. I think you got it wrong. It wasn’t me who gave it to you. It was Mau. You just thought it was me” 

“No, it wasn’t her! Mau came in a moment later so it wasn't her. It was you who gave it to me." Kim stopped opening the box and faced me irration was now visible in her voice. "Didn’t you hear me when I called your name to lend me the darn scissors?”  

“Like I said, No. I was up here arranging my things and listening to some music" She pointed at her head phones that were hanging on her shirt which Kim eyed too. Yhannie can still hear the faint sound of the music that's currently playing: Numb by Linkin Park "Which means I. didn’t. hear. you.” Kim knew that she tends to get engrossed on whatever she was doing and tend to forgot about her surroundings whenever music is involved.

“Stop kidding around” 

I’m really starting to get pissed at her. Why is this an issue? Is she going to start a fight over some stupid scissors?!?

“Do I look like I’m kidding around?!?” Yhannie retorted back.

“I know you Yhan! You like to pull our leg a lot. Well this is not going to be one of those. So, Stop this nonsense and tell me !!! Did you or did you not give me those damn scissors!!!!”

 Where the hell does this come from?!?

We both turn our heads when we heard a piercing scream downstairs. That was Mau's voice. We didn't waste any time and immediately forgot about the argument. We bolted through the bedroom door and ran downstairs. Mau was in the hallway across the kitchen. She was half lying on the floor.

 What the ----

“What’s wrong? Hey! Hey! What’s wrong?” Kim kneeled down to a frantic Mau.

“There was---there was----“Mau was trembling so much and Kim continue to sooth her. She surveyed the area. What happened in here?

“There was someone in here----“

Having picked up the words, Yhannie left Mau in the hands of Kim and immediately checked every room bringing a bat that she took from the closet beside the front door, just in case there’s a burglar. The house was not big so the search doesn’t take long.

“No one’s here” Yhannie said as she walked back to the hall. “Was it a man? Can you remember what he looks like? We’ll have to report this to the police station.” she asked, this time checking the windows in the living room.

“No” she heard Mau’s answer over her shoulder.

“It---It---It wasn’t a man who attacked me…” with a faint voice Mau added “---It was a little girl”

A little girl?  

“She attacked me”

“That’s a little bit impossible don’t you think?” Her mouth ran ahead before she can even think.

“SHE ATTACKED ME! I’m not making it up!” Mau was exasperated.

“You’re not helping Yhan.” Kim said through gritted teeth. She was still pissed alright.  Yhannie backed off and went to the other rooms.

“Why--Why do you think the little girl attacked you?” I heard Kim asked in a low voice.

 Yhannie was checking the windows and door in the kitchen this time. This is room is so dimmed I should put some lights and windows in here.

“I don’t know. All I know is that I thought she was lost, came inside without us noticing her, I want to help her find her mom and the next thing I knew she attacked me. I was lucky enough not to get stabbed.”

She checked every corner in the kitchen since it was the only room that was partly dark.  Kim and Mau were still having the conversation. First it was getting attacked, now getting stabbed? All of this done by a little girl?

“Stabbed? She stabbed you with a knife?” Shock was visible in Kim’s voice.

Not a knife”

“What was it, then?”

CRUNCH. What's this? She stepped on something. She bend down and picked it up. Where did this come from?

She  went back in the hall way. Mau was now standing supported by Kim just in time, when Mau and her said something in unison.

“Hey guys, look what I’ve found”


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