Stiles gaped at her, opening and closing his mouth silently for a few minutes. She rolled her eyes at him and then spun on her heel, making for the door. Isaac stumbled after her, grabbing his coat and hastily waving at Stiles and Derek as he left. Stiles laughed nervously and looked at Derek who was ignoring him.

"So I guess it's just you and me."

The bunny turned its head and Stiles laughed at the murderous look on the bunny's face. He moved hesitantly to scoop Derek off the table, and when Derek made no move to bite him, he picked him up and started to walk to the room off of the main loft where he stored all his magic equipment. He held Derek as far away from his body as possible, carefully handling the small bunny. He was so focused on keeping the rabbit away from his chest that he didn't notice Erica's shoes lying in his path. He stumbled slightly and the alarmed squeak that came out of Derek was almost enough to have Stiles in hysterical laughter. Derek kept squeaking, now sounding more cross than scared, and Stiles rolled his eyes, cradling the small fuzzy body to his chest. The squeaking stopped immediately and Stiles smiled slightly.

"Fine, bossy."

They made it into Stiles' workshop with no other incidents and Stiles shifted his hold on Derek until he was held securely in the crook of Stiles' elbow, freeing up his hands to carry some of his books from the stacks on his workbench to the couch under the window.

"Alright big guy, floor or couch?"

Derek stared back at him, unblinking and Stiles shrugged and put him on the floor. He curled up on one corner of the couch, tucking his feet under him, and spread the book open across his lap. He glanced down at the floor, where Derek was still staring up at him.

"What dude, I'm reading up on how to fix you. It's not my fault Isaac started talking about your bunny teeth while I was working on transformation spells."

The bunny doesn't blink.

"Ok yes, I mean technically I suppose you could say this was partially my fault."

Derek's nose twitched.

"Ok fine! It was my fault. Happy?"

Derek's lips pull back from his teeth in an imitation of a snarl and Stiles rolls his eyes.

"Of course you're not happy. When are you ever happy? Always just lurking in corners and scowling like the creeperwolf you are."

Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles.

"Ok, jeez, I'm getting to work. I would have already been working if you would stop staring at me for like five seconds."

Stiles settled further into the couch and started reading over the spell he had been practicing earlier. It was supposed to turn an inanimate object into the small woodland creature of his choice, basic stuff. Stuff Stiles had been able to do for years actually, and it usually went off without a hitch, so he tended to use it as a magic warm up of sorts, turning a few teacups into mice and back before getting down to the real heavy magic.

"Hear that sourwolf? This is supposed to turn inanimate objects into cute fluffy creatures. Apparently my magic thinks you're inanimate."

Derek, predictably, didn't reply. Stiles snorted to himself and kept reading, highlighting large swaths of text at a time and making little markings in the margins in a strange short hand that only he could understand.

"You are pretty stoic sometimes though, so I guess I don't blame it for making such an easy mistake to make."

Derek stomped his foot a few times on the ground, getting Stiles' full attention. Stiles peered down at him.

Sterek One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now