"We'll empty our bank account in the morning and bring the cash to your office."

Riley carries the manila envelope. Paige walks beside him. They walk the entire length of the hallway to Charlie's office in silence. Nor do they speak as Riley holds the door open for Paige. Riley says nothing as he hands the envelope to Charlie. Charlie inspects the cash and slips it into a briefcase.

"Go home," Charlie instructs. "I'll meet you there when this is over." Riley and Paige leave, each contemplating the wisdom of handing the remnants of their lives' labors to retrieve a child not their own. Not that it matters. They made this choice. All they can do is go home and wait.

It's a small, nondescript house in Montecito Heights—a straight shot from Charlie's downtown office on the 110 freeway to Avenue 43. Charlie, briefcase in hand, approaches the house with confidence. A light rap of the knuckles and Arlene opens the front door.

"Is it all there?" Arlene asks.

"Every last penny," Charlie says. Arlene turns her back to Charlie and saunters away. Charlie follows, closing the door behind. The briefcase lands on the kitchen counter. Missy sits still on a couch. "Come on, kid," Charlie says to Missy. "Let's get you out of here."

Missy stands and heads straight for the door. Arlene calls to her, "Bye, Baby Girl." Missy doesn't respond.

Forty-five minutes later, the front door to the Welphelt home flies open. Missy runs rushes in. Charlie follows close behind.

"Thank God you're safe," Paige says, squeezing the daylights out of Missy. They both close their eyes, neither allowing a tear to escape. Missy opens her eyes. When she does, she sees her suitcase next to another near the front door she had run past without noticing.

"Are we going somewhere?" she asks. That's enough to send a tear rolling down Paige's cheek.

"You're going back to Mrs. Evans," Paige tells Missy. Missy's eyes widen.

"No!" Riley has entered the room.

"We gave Arlene everything we have to get you back," he tells Missy. "But we lost our jobs and can't take care of you anymore." Missy panics, searching for a reason.

"Is it because I hit Jona?" Paige can't let her blame herself.

"No, it's not your fault," she assures.

"But I've got all the money I saved," Missy offers. "You can have it back."

"I wish that were enough," Paige says. Missy throws her body back into Paige, clutching her arms around Paige's neck. Tears flood down both their faces.

"Please, Paige," she begs. "I don't want to leave!" Charlie steps in to help.

"Come on, Missy. It's time." Missy's head sinks into her shoulders as she pulls away from Paige. She's known enough inevitability to understand when she's lost. She trudges toward the door, picks up her suitcase, and leaves without another word. Charlie helps Missy out the door.

Paige grabs Riley and breaks down into huge tears. He holds her, but there's another suitcase waiting at the door. She clutches him for dear life but must let him go and wipe her eyes. He shakes his head.

"I'll text you when I get to Hal's," Riley says. He and his suitcase leave Paige alone in the house. They will live on credit cards until they figure something out.

Charlie escorts Missy into Mrs. Evans' home. Missy passes Mrs. Evans, Robert, and Anthony in silence. Once she reaches her bedroom, she drops her suitcase and falls face-down on the bed, crying her eyes out.

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