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Morning came and I woke up with Hobi snuggling himself towards me

"Jimin Jiminiiieee" he said with a smile on his face and I sniled back, I looked around and i noticed that I was in my bedroom, but I was just on the couch last night

"Yoongi-hyung brought you here since you fell asleep" Hobi said hugging me tighter and nuzzling his nose on my neck "Jiminie you smell good" he said and I was completely flustered, in response I hid my face underneath my hands but I heard him chuckle which made me glance at him

"Y-you smell good too" I said covering up my fave more because of the embarrassment and chuckled once again tightening the hug more

"Come on Jiminie lets have some breakfast" he held my hand and dragged me towards the kitchen where there were pancakes "Yoongi-hyung cooked them before he left for word"

I only nodded in response munching down the pancakes, as I was eating I realized that I had no other clothes and I didn't even bring underwear which made my cheeks heat up

"Whats wrong Jiminie?" He asked probably noticing the red tint on my cheeks

"U-uhmm i-i dont have any clothes for me to change in" I said averting my gaze away from him as I play with my fingers

"Oh you could borrow mine" He said seemingly unfazed, even though he knows that me, an omega is gonna wear his clothes, what will his partner think

"I-I, thank you, I'll buy clothes for myself later so I won't have to bother you with that" I said a little embarrassed and stuffing my face with the pancakes as Hobi-hyung stared at my face and yes he was full on staring at me and I could feel it

"How 'bout I go with you" He said smiling at me

"Uhmm yeah, if it doesn't bother you" I said


Hobi-hyung gave me a pair of black slacks which was kinda tight around the ass but it was good and a long sleeved white button up and underwear for me to wear and I thanked him for that

Hobi-hyung gave me a pair of black slacks which was kinda tight around the ass but it was good and a long sleeved white button up and underwear for me to wear and I thanked him for that

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We headed towards the mall, some eyes were directed at me, maybe it because I smell like Hobi-hyung

"Aye Hoseok long time no see" His friend, an alpha, kind of eyed me as if I was candy on display which made me look away from him "who's this pretty thing" he asked

"Ah this is Jimin, my friend" He said and swung his arm around me squeezing my shoulder

"Jimin huh, since you're just friends why dont you hang with me too, well have a grand time" he said and winked at me, I swear it was the most failed attempt at flirting and it was disgusting

"Hey man show some manners, 'kay?"Hobi growled, releasing a slight protective scent which engulfed us both and grabbed unto me tighter which made me blush a bit

"Ey I'm joking man, see you later" the guy said, a bit panicked and headed off

"T-thank you" I said in a quiet voice and Hobi just smiled at me, it was blinding to say the least

We went and had an intense shopping session, just grabbing all the things that I liked and Hobi-hyung thought looked good on me and when I say a lot it was a shit ton of clothes which we had on our shoulders but we both stopped in the middle of grabbing clothes when we say these medium sized plushies

We went and had an intense shopping session, just grabbing all the things that I liked and Hobi-hyung thought looked good on me and when I say a lot it was a shit ton of clothes which we had on our shoulders but we both stopped in the middle of gr...

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"THEY LOOK LIKE YOONGI-HYUNG" i yelled and some immediately looked at me which made me cover my mouth and laughed at what I did

"Yeah you're right, with thier $3 chains" i dont know why but Hobi-hyung laugh was like angels laughing at me or something

We ended up buying all six of the plushies and hell yeah it was a lot of clothes, pants, underwear, socks, and maybe I slipped some lace panties that Hobi didn't see because he was busy looking around as I payed for all of them

"How can you afford all this?" he said chuckling at the ridiculous amount of stuff they bought

"I used to be a CEO kind of, in our company when I was 18 up until before i turned 22 and my brother took over the company" Hobi was a bit stunned at the information he recieved and it wasn't really that shocking

"W-why did you stop?" he asked with his brows furrowed

"I was kind of bored and since I saved our company from bankruptcy, my family let me do what I want to, which was to dance"I said reminiscing my years in the past

We both walked towards his car and placed all of my stuff and some I bought for Hobi-hyung

"B-but if you have that shit ton of money why dont you have a place of your own instead of living with us" He said as we hopped unto his ride with me sitting on the passengers seat

"If I buy a house it would just be me in it and thats kind of boring, you know" I said as he started the car

"don't you habe friends, Jiminie" he chuckled and I just laughed as well

"of course I do but living in luxury is kind of boring, everthing you have is on a silver platter, I would stay in a apartment with two alphas than be bored"

"Jiminie" his serious tone made me look at him

"w-what?" I asked

"Will you be...... " he paused and choked on his own spit which made me really nervous, what what does he want me to be? 

"Will you be my sugar daddy" I kind of felt my brain short-circuit after a few short minutes I was a blushing mess

"What?" I was really panicked which made him laugh at me

"I'm just joking" He said still laughing at me and I hit his arm playfully and smiled as well at the thought and something just hit me

"If I'm gonna be your sugar daddy so I'm gonna have to call you my sugar baby" I said in realization

"Jiminie nooo" he said cringing at the thought "I don't want to be anyones baby, I-I'm known to be pretty dominant and a pretty good one if I say so myself" he said smirking

"so hyung will be my daddy?" and as if on cue we arrived the apartment complex, Hobi looking at me with wide eyes with made me hide my face in embarrassment  "I-I'm sorry i dodnt mean it like in a sexual way or whatever, I just thought that if you wont be my baby then you'd probably be my daddy, a-am i right or~"

he held my cheeks to face him, shutting me up but he slowly leaned towards me and could feel his hot breath on my lips

"I'll be your daddy if you want me to, baby" he said borderline growling and yall know how fucking hot it is when alphas growl, I felt my knees weaken even though im sitting

He leaned back, leaving me a bit dumbfounded "come, lets take what you bought the apartment" and headed out [but what Jimin didn't know was that the alpha who headed out of the car was panting and sweating because Jimins scent became a bit sweeter and stronger which made him almost loose his mind]

We grabbed the stuff and I was somtimes glancing at Hobi-hyung and immediately avoiding contact, blushing in the process because I was still kind of shaken up

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