Chapter 9: A New Love?

Start from the beginning

"Yes, would you mind elaborating to me about your plan Ceil-sama?" I asked, curios as to what the prince had in mind. Normally breaking an engagement was a serious thing, especially between Royalty and a Dukedom. It could cause serious internal struggles, or make me unfit for marriage. Thankfully the engagement was not made public yet, but that would occur in about a month on my birthday.

"Since you have yet to introduce Ricin to my father the King, it would be permittable to say the fairy does not like my presence nor does the he like the idea of living in the Palace. This would present the King with no choice but to dissolve the engagement in fear of a fairy's wrath" Ceil stated matter of factly, as if he wasn't promoting me threatening Royalty with a lie. Well, Ricin certainly did not like Royalty or anything that restricted my freedom, he wasn't hostile to Ceil. The lazy cat was too preoccupied with napping in the sun as of current. Yet Ceil was right again, this was a good plan. I had a date sent in the next week to visit the Royal family and introduce Ricin, my contract fairy. I could easily let him complain and threaten.

"That isn't impossible. Alright, I will comply" I stated, bringing the soft angel cake to my mouth as I delicately ate the delicious sweet. "Sister, here" I turned towards Vincent as he took his handkerchief and lightly wiped my cheek which must have had cream on it. I smiled at the cute child, thanking him. He shot back his own angelic smile, sweeter than the cake in my hands.

"Oh? Vincent-sama, I wasn't aware you held a sister complex. Be wary Rose, you siblings are certainly not related by blood" Ceil said with amusement in his voice as his sapphire eyes landed on Vincent in a condescending manor. I was insulted!

"Ceil-sama, while it is true were are not related by blood, Vin is most certainly my beloved little brother! I truly cherish him" I said coldly, glaring at the cold prince. I saw the downhearted look on Vincent and gently took his hand, giving it a light squeeze of comfort. He avoided my eyes.. Even sad, this child was too cute. I wanted to pinch his cheeks!

"I see that went completely over your head" Ceil sighed, before motioning over his personal butler Xin and standing. The wolf, Ceil's contracted spirit Nathaniel, stood from his seated position as well. "Well Rose, my time is up for now, I will contact you later by letter to inform you of the plan in more detail. Until then, goodbye" Ceil said, before being escorted out of the parlor.

"Thank goodness your engagement with that prince will be over" Ricin casually said, stretching on my lap. I giggled at the little kitten, petting him while he let out a yawn.

"Yes, it'll be good to just be friends instead of fiancé" I said warmly, enjoying Ricin's soft fur. I loved soft and fluffy things, especially if they were cute! Was this due to becoming a child again? It must be, I wasn't fond of animals in my past life due to them becoming subject to experiments... tragic but apart of life in my old world.

After that, I enjoyed tea with the silent standoff between Ricin and Vincent, ignoring the tense atmosphere until evening.

That night, with Vincent peacefully asleep in my nook with Ricin ironically, I slipped outside to the garden undetected for some fresh air. Outside the spacious garden lay a lovely forest which I had discovered with Ricin to have numerous poisonous mushrooms and herbs, as well as an abundance of medical herbs.

I let my tiny legs lead me into the quiet forest, my light nightgown allowing the slightly cool spring air to drift across my skin. My long hair loose for once, drifting down and nearly touching the ground. I had to remind myself to cut it soon, which I knew my mother would greatly protest against.


I thought back to the nightmare I experienced earlier, waking me from my peace with Vincent and Ricin. Maybe it was my soon to be nullified engagement, or possibly my own anxiety for the upcoming birthday party where I would most certainly meet the people who would bring about a gruesome death.

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