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"The Shawn Mendes?"

I woke up to the beeping sound of the alarm. Last night I managed to cry myself to sleep before Jack got home.

I splinted my eyes open and turned to my side. Jack was still fast asleep and I had no intention of waking him up.

I got out of bed, entered the bathroom, and started to get ready for work.
I couldn't help but replay the conversation I had with Alex and Lei last night.


Last night

"I saw Shawn Mendes" I managed to speak out. Both Lei's and Alex's faces dropped.

"The Shawn Mendes?" Lei asked. "Obviously Lei there's no other Shawn frikin Mendes" Alex retorted.

"He performed at this charity thing and we made eye contact." I explained.

"Did you talk to him?" Alex asked.

I shook my head "no". "Then what did you do?" My sister asked. "I just left. I couldn't find Jack. He was probably hooking up with that Valerie girl" I said starting to tear up again.

"Wait, Jack's cheating on you?" Lei asked. "That son of a bitch" Alex continued.

"No- I mean, I don't know. Maybe, I have my suspicions" I muttered.

"Oh Elle. I wish we were next to you so we can give you a big hug. Do visit soon" Alex said. "Yeah Elle, we miss you so much" Lei said warmly.

I smiled at them and rubbed my eyes.

"Thanks guys you're the best. I'm going to head to bed now" I cut off.

"Goodnight" they both said, and I ended the call.


I poured a cup of coffee while scrolling through my phone. Soon, Jack joined me for breakfast before heading to work.

"I have great news love" Jack called out.

I looked up to fixate my attention upon him.

"You know how we only have one assistant to attend to us both?"he started out. I nodded in agreement.

"Well I found a new one. Valerie agreed to start working as my assistant. You remember her from last night?" He continued.

"Yeah of course I remember her. That's great J" I said fake smiling.


Just great


All day I tried to ignore Jack and ignore that fake blonde who kept pestering behind him. I had every right to be jealous.

I mean, she wasn't gorgeous but she wasn't ugly either. She was probably way prettier than I am and more sociable. I had to admit that I lacked social skills especially when  I needed time to be alone.

Fortunately, business was tiring and took up a lot of time, so I managed to take all my confusing and worrying thoughts off my mind.


Jack didn't join me for lunch. He came up with the excuse that too much work had piled up and he couldn't waste more time. Before leaving his office I could hear him chatting with a lady, most probably Valerie. I sighed to myself knowing that our relationship was over despite anything.

We had grown distant lately and I wasn't so sure whether or not to continue with our relationship. I could try to fix things with him but once a cheater, always a cheater.

I grabbed my purse and headed out to the nearest cafeteria.

All I needed was some time alone


I sat at an empty table and slowly sipped my coffee. Suddenly, a tall figured clouded the few drops of sunshine that were hitting my face.

"Is this seat taken?....


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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