Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Cheerleading?


Your p.o.v

It was finally the end of the day and I was relatively happy.. until I remembered the cheer try outs.
"Why did I agree to this?" I was leaning on a random locker, talking to (f/n) as she opened her locker and placed her books inside.
"Because you're stupid?" She suggested, shrugging. I rolled my eyes and looked at her with a serious expression.

We walked towards the gym, talking about anything and everything. When we arrived (f/n) headed towards the bleachers while I walked towards the changing rooms.

The workout uniform was just a red T-shirt and a black pair of shorts, nothing great. I walked back out and noticed that Dash was now sitting next to (f/n) on the bleachers. He looked over to me and waved, a wide smile forming on his face. I forced a little smile and waved back, I really wasn't going to enjoy this.

As I walked up to the group of girls in the gym, (b/n) ( that's what I called her right? - anyways, it's Dash's Ex ) noticed me and waved me over.
"(y/n), you're finally here! I thought you'd have gotten scared and run away by now, my I'm glad to see that you're so eager to embarrass yourself!" She giggled, some girls behind her snickering as well.
"Whatever (b/n), I came here to try out for the cheer team and MAYBE, have some fun, not to start another argument with you." I rolled my eyes and walked towards (g/c/n) ( girl captain name- I cba to go find out what I called her last time. )
"(y/n)! You made it! Great to see you!" She said happily, pulling me into a tight hug. She finally pulled away after what felt like 10 minutes and grabbed a clip board.
"Okay then, me and the rest of the group are going to sit on the bleachers and watch you and the other girls audition, good luck!" She smiles sweetly, and nods towards me before walking towards the bleachers and sitting down with (b/n) and some other girls.

I looked down at my shoes for a moment, letting out a quick sigh before joining the queue. As time went on I watched some other girls audition, some were good, some were- not.

It lasted about twenty minutes before it was finally my turn. As I walked in front the them, my hands started shaking and my breathing began to get heavier. I shook my head, trying to focus.
"Okay (y/n), I just want you to show me a few flips and ( something else that they do- sorry I don't really watch cheerleading or gymnastics- we don't have cheerleaders in England as much as you do in America so I honestly know nothing about the sport ) , and then we'll assess you on how well you performed them." (g/c/n) spoke, looking up at me from her clip board.

I nodded and let out a shaky breathe, looking around the room before locking eyes with Dash. He gave me a reassuring smile and a small nod.
"Take you time." I heard (g/c/n) say, tapping her pen against the clipboard.
"Sorry." I said quickly, facing her again and smiling a bit. I took a few paces backwards before running forward and doing some front flips. I done a few more different things before finally finishing, my hands in the air. As I landed I heard some cheers from various people, mainly Dash though.
"That's my girl!" He laughed lowly, clapping.
"That was great!" I heard (g/c/n) say, clapping her hands together. I smiled widely and thanked her, walking towards the bleachers to sit with (f/n) and Dash.

"I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Dash said, patting my back gently as I sat between him and (f/n).
"When did you say that?" I raised a brow.
( did I make him say that? Idk- )
"Like- earlier- y'know, when you- okay I didn't say that but I knew you'd be fine!" He chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sure." I giggled, shaking my head and wiping the sweat off of my face with a towel.

"Alright everyone! Auditions for the cheer team are over and I'll be posting the results for who got in on the school bulletin board tomorrow morning! Good luck!" (g/c/n) smiled, grabbing her stuff and standing up. I was about to go back to the changing rooms when the doors swung open.

"Wait! I wanna audition too!" A skinny boy about my height with short black hair was standing in the doorway. He was wearing some knee-length shorts and a vest. He ran up to the bleachers where the team were sitting and put his bag down, standing in front of them.
"Please let me audition, I've been waiting all year for this- I wasn't sure what time the auditions were and when I saw that I was late I basically sprinted here, and I never run for anything- that should show how much I want this, right?" He panicked, clasping his hands together and begging. Some girls snickered quietly, whispering something to each other.

(b/n) laughed loudly, crossing her arms and walking up to him.
"Sorry hun, but auditions are over, you missed you chance! Not that we'd even consider giving you a shot anyways, there's never been a male cheerleader on this squad and we plan to keep it that way. Plus with your scrawny body, I doubt that there's much you could bring to this group." She shook her head, a smug grin on her face. The boy looked down at his feet, tears welling up in his eyes.

I growled quietly, rushing towards them.
"What's so bad about having a boy on the team? I think it's a great idea! Plus it may attract other boys to the sport that were too scared to do it before because it wasn't 'manly', we could help show them that there's nothing wrong with trying something that is classed as 'girly' or 'feminine'! I'm sure he could bring loads to the team, and even if he can't, we should still see what he can do and give him a chance!" I exclaim, my face becoming red as I stand in front of the vulnerable looking boy. Everyone was silent for a few moments, before (g/c/n) finally spoke up.
"Well, if you think it's a good idea then so do I! Everyone sit back down, there's still one more audition." She ordered, looking at the girls.

They groaned before sitting back down, bored expressions on their faces. I turned to the boy and smiled, whispering a good luck before patting his shoulder and returning to my seat. He smiled up at me before performing a few tricks, he was actually really good. At the end loads of girls were cheering for him and telling him how good he was.

"Well, I'm tired, lets go." I yawned, standing up and walking towards the changing rooms. When was finally done, (f/n) had already gone home and Dash was still waiting for me. He looked at me with a small smile, his eyes almost looked as if they were sparkling.
"You done so well today!" He grinned, slinging his arm over my shoulder and beginning to walk me home.
"Thanks, I guess." I blush slightly. We talk for a while as he walks me back to my house.

As we reach the door, he looks at me and gives me a big bear hug.
"Night (y/n/n) ( nick nameeeee ). He kissed my forehead gently before walking away, his bag slung over his shoulder. I blushed again and smiled before unlocking the door and walking inside.

"(y/n) (m/n) (l/n) where the frick did you put my pop tarts?!"


Yes- I've watched a lot of anime recently which is why this is so cringe sksk.

Sorry it took so long- like- months, but I'm back so yay!

Hope you liked it and tysm for how many views this is getting like wtf how did that happen so fast?

Anyways have a nick day/evening/night/sleep.


Bye! <333

• Words : 1392

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